First batch of production units arrive via USPS in US of A


New Member
May 29, 2016
Reaction score
Savannah, GA
United States
Dash Cam
Viofo A119
I literally just opened it. I'll spend the weekend testing things out. WP_20160722_011.jpg
I gotta say - it's a lot smaller than I expected! I really like the small size! For comparison (read:clutter on my desk) I show AA batteries and a 20-sided die for the DD players :)
I literally just opened it. I'll spend the weekend testing things out. View attachment 24784
I gotta say - it's a lot smaller than I expected! I really like the small size! For comparison (read:clutter on my desk) I show AA batteries and a 20-sided die for the DD players :)
If you were really talking to the ad&d folks, you would have called it a D20. I don't even play and I know that. :P
Wired it up and everything works perfectly! The boot time is around 10 seconds and the GPS locks in under 50 seconds. Unfortunately I'm noticing a ridiculous amount of noise with the 1080p60 setting. It looks nothing like the preproduction previews I've seen so far.

a119 day.jpg


There is a LOT of noise at night. I'm going to clean my windshield to help with the light refracting but...the random grey dots are akin to "dead pixels" and the noise is...especially bad at night. I'm going to try shooting 2k@30fps tomorrow night but I'll have to save the real tests for next weekend. So far 1080p60 appears to squeeze twice as many frames in just as much the effect of 480p resolution?
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There is a LOT of noise at night. I'm going to clean my windshield to help with the light refracting but...the random grey dots are akin to "dead pixels" and the noise is...especially bad at night. I'm going to try shooting 2k@30fps tomorrow night but I'll have to save the real tests for next weekend. So far 1080p60 appears to squeeze twice as many frames in just as much the effect of 480p resolution?

I think it's that some pixels heat up quicker than others and give an incorrect readout. The software is meant to map them out?

Doubling the framerate on the same bitrate isn't as bad as you would expect since the video encodes difference between frames. At 60 there will be less difference, although I would expect the bitrate to increase. Also 720p is half the number of pixels as 1080p
The noise for night video will be reduced in next firmware, we will release beta version soon.