Florida drivers, Vol 1. My first compilation!


New Member
Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Hey guys, been lurking for awhile, just started putting together my own compilation of bad driving in Orlando, FL and thought you guys might like it.


Dont you just love people like that Ford PU driver skipping the line to make a left turn :mad:

Dont you just love people like that Ford PU driver skipping the line to make a left turn :mad:
Kamkart can we look forward in the near future to see any more of your comedic video submissions? I'm still laughing from your last one.:D:D You are a natural.
Will see what i can do, you do get further with a smile on your face, and i am blessed in the sense that i can laugh at myself too.

Spending a lot of time at home at the moment waiting for the SJ6 action camera to arrive, and i have just ordered a new phone too, but that one i am in no hurry to get my hands on.
I have a pretty superficial and down to earth relationship with smartphones, 5 calls and 5 texts a week is a proof of that,,,,, and i have few people i call friends and give my number to, and they all respect my dislike for the damn things.
Will see what i can do, you do get further with a smile on your face, and i am blessed in the sense that i can laugh at myself too.

Spending a lot of time at home at the moment waiting for the SJ6 action camera to arrive, and i have just ordered a new phone too, but that one i am in no hurry to get my hands on.
I have a pretty superficial and down to earth relationship with smartphones, 5 calls and 5 texts a week is a proof of that,,,,, and i have few people i call friends and give my number to, and they all respect my dislike for the damn things.
Yeah and its a clean phone , no GUI or bloatware from the factory.
And Nugat down the road too.

I still have the android tablet, but really its too annoying to work with aside for here on the computer table.
So being able to whip out a "little" phone must be better.
And my HTC phone is getting more and more weird by the day, so i doubt there is much more use in that one.
Like the new Motorola "lego" phone, but the extra bricks are not cheap.