For serious drivers only !!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2014
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United Kingdom
Never having forgotten the grip and precise steering and handling of my ex mk1 1998 lotus elise...
And always been envious of four wheel drive safety and capability in heavy rain floods and snow.....

finaly i have both from a bog standard front wheel drive family hatchback ..... as near as damit !

one product that lives up to and exceeds all internet talk in my now tested all weathers opinion is the hype of the mitchelin crossclimate 2 tyre...
I no longer feel bad at throwing away 4 three month old falken sport tyres that were fitted to the car on purchase.
crossclimate2s are a gamechanger and i would happily pay double the price they are that good.

i drove half a mile up a 12% gradient (leek to winkingman) on 8 inch of snow?ice at 30mph, aborted because of 2ft drifts and drove back down with antilock brakes triggering and functioning incredibly well.
testing on wet roads another day,no aquaplaning hitting an unexpected 6 inch of pooled water.

they are a quiet summer 69db tyre B B rated with staggering capability in all seasons

i could go on and on but all i d say is if you drive bad roads or country lanes, do yourself and family a favour and fit a set of crossclimate 2s as it ll be the best decision you ever make and might just save your life

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