Front & Rear Cams, Which Lens / FOV?

Which Lens?

  • Regular (up front)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wide Angle (up front)

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • Regular (rear)

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Wide Angle (rear)

    Votes: 4 44.4%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Oct 27, 2014
Reaction score
United States
I am going to purchase two Mobius cameras with capacitors for front & rear dash cams, I'm curious which lens you all are using front and rear if applicable. And do you combine it with the wide angle recording option on the software as well or no?

Thanks in advance.
Wide lens front and rear with default wide settings for me
You know a week or so ago, I would have said regular A lens up front and wide B in the back yet 1. I have read too many comments lately about the B lens having multiple focusing, vignetting issues (so buy local) and 2. I had a few people tailgating me really really close and my wide angle SJ4000 made them look far away. In my opinion the Regular A lens makes things look more accurate and doesn't give too much away in FOV. The rear pillars inevitably set the width. Now take the SJ or any wide angle cam in the rear and point it forward and you get a truly awesome view side by side, unobstructed by pillars.
For me, a wide angle up front to capture as much as possible.
I believe a normal on the rear, because a wide angle distorts the distance and make a tailgater look like they are farther back than they really are.
I bought the WIDE lens model to use on narrow FOV from day one. Tried WIDE mode - but it's too wide. Any narrower FOV and I think I'd want more.
You know a week or so ago, I would have said regular A lens up front and wide B in the back yet 1. I have read too many comments lately about the B lens having multiple focusing, vignetting issues (so buy local) and 2. I had a few people tailgating me really really close and my wide angle SJ4000 made them look far away. In my opinion the Regular A lens makes things look more accurate and doesn't give too much away in FOV. The rear pillars inevitably set the width. Now take the SJ or any wide angle cam in the rear and point it forward and you get a truly awesome view side by side, unobstructed by pillars.
i kind of like this idea.

great. now I have an excuse for a third cam...
1 in front, 1 in back, 1 in back pointing to the front
I've got a Mobius with an A lens in narrow FOV mode.

Even with the A lens in wide FOV mode I think vehicles tailgating look alot further back than they really are.

I've got my Mobius on the underside of the rear brake housing, which is flat. I found that by angling the camera down just a wee touch made a great difference in the picture quality. With the camera more or less horizontal I felt the video was over exposed. So with it angled down I probably have 1/3 sky, as opposed to approx 1/2 sky when it was flat. Hope that makes sense....


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