G.Skill 128GB Card Error With Multiple A119/GPS Units

Do you use a G.Skill mircoSD card in a A119 and have this issue?

  • Yes, I use a G.Skill mircoSD card and have this issue.

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  • No, I use a G.Skill mircoSD card and DO NOT have this issue.

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  • I use a different manfucturer mircoSD card and have this issue.

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New Member
Nov 29, 2016
Reaction score
"After returning the faulty G.Skill micro SD 128GB card, and buying two new G.Skill 128GB cards for my A119s, both new G.Skill 128GB cards have been working FLAWLESSLY for three days now, recording over 30 hours of video footage. This clearly indicates that the first G.Skill micro SD card I used was defective from day one."

Joined this forum only for the purpose of reporting my experience using a G.Skill 128gb mircoSD card with two VIOFO A119 units with firmware version 2.0. One is powered through a hardwired kit connected to a add-a-fuse kit, while the other is powered via the supplied USB lighter-plug adapter provided by VIOFO. Both are equipped with, and powered through the GPS module USB port.

The issue I consistently experience is that upon restarting my car, there is a memory card error. Attempting to reformat the mircoSD card through the A119 menu fails every time, and the A119 continues to display that there is a memory card error. Only reformatting the card on a PC actually reformats it, and it can only be reformatted to exFAT, not FAT32 as required in the A1119 manual.

Upon reinserting the card into the A119, and powering it on for the first time since reformatting it on PC, the A119 prompts to reformat it. The A119 then reformats the card successfully. I can then drive for as long as I want issue free. However, as soon as I power off the A119 for 5-10 minutes, then power it back on, the A119 displays the same memory card error, every time.

Having two of these cameras, I have tried combinations of mixing the GPS modules with the two A119 units, and mixing the methods of supplying power between the hard wire kit and provided lighter-plug adapter. Consistently, the G.Skill 128GB card fails upon restarting my car, no matter in what configuration, and needs to be reformatted via PC.

Interestingly, an old 8GB Class 6 card of mine has no issues at all in either camera unit, in combination with either GPS module, and with either power supply connected. Given that at least one other forum user reported the same issue with their 64GB G.Skill mircoSD card, I think it would be wise for A119 owners to buy another brand of mircoSD card. I have a Samsung Evo 128GB microSD card that I use with my mobile phone, and will report back it I experience any issues with it in my A119 units.
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I agree it's best to do so, however, G.Skill offers a life-time warranty on their memory cards and do not punish owners for using them in dash cams. Given this fact alone, it's understandable why someone would want to purchase a G.Skill card over other manufacturers who offer shockingly little in terms of warranty.
Agreed. I may also exchange my G.Skill card for another G.Skill 128GB card and see if the issue persists and report back. I'd like to stick with G.Skill given their life-time warranty.
for how many years do you expect to use "G.Skill 128GB card"? 128gb cards may become absolute in 5-7 years, just like floppy disks for PCs.
for how many years do you expect to use "G.Skill 128GB card"? 128gb cards may become absolute in 5-7 years, just like floppy disks for PCs.

any 'lifetime warranty' will take into consideration that most users won't ever use the product for that long anyway
for how many years do you expect to use "G.Skill 128GB card"? 128gb cards may become absolute in 5-7 years, just like floppy disks for PCs.
I'll continue to use it until there is an actual valid reason to replace it. A higher capacity and faster read/write micro SD card will not increase the performance of this dash cam nor the recording quality.

Considering a 128GB card in an A119 records 14 hours of video at 1440p @ 30 fps, I see no reason to buy a newer micro SD card in 5-7 years if I haven't replaced this dash cam.
note that their limited lifetime warranty covers manufacturing faults and defects, wear and tear is not covered, the cards do wear out
note that their limited lifetime warranty covers manufacturing faults and defects, wear and tear is not covered, the cards do wear out
I've emailed G.Skill asking them to clarify their warranty policy as it applies to "wear and tear" for products such as DRAM and SD cards which come with lifetime warranty coverage, and will post G.Skill's response.

It's common knowledge that memory modules have an expected read/write life span. However, it makes little sense for a company to state a lifetime warranty on products such as a DRAM and SD cards, if as soon as they're used for even a single second, the warranty becomes void. That would be nonsensical. What would be the point of advertising a "Lifetime Warranty"? What ever would that actually mean? That it won't disintegrate into dust when you finally open the package 5-10-200 years later after purchase? How would you even find out if it works without first "using" it, and exposing it to "wear and tear"?

Furthermore, G.Skill's warranty policy states:
"G.SKILL provides a limited warranty to the original purchaser only that any genuine G.SKILL hardware product purchased from an authorized G.SKILL reseller will be free from defects in material and workmanship, and will operate, as specified by its datasheet, in the operating environment for which they were intended, for a specific length of time from the date of purchase." The intended environment being a recording device, and length of time specified being lifetime.

The phrase "wear and tear" mentioned later under the exclusions section of the general policy for all products manufactured by G.Skill makes more sense for products such as headsets, which have a two year warranty, and mouse pads, that have a 1 year warranty.

Whatever the case may be, there's no sense in speculating about it further on this thread until G.Skill responds. Until then, we'll have to agree to disagree.
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I've emailed G.Skill asking them to clarify their warranty policy as it applies to "wear and tear" for products such as DRAM and SD cards which come with lifetime warranty coverage, and will post G.Skill's response.
they make a product they want to sell. so they will tell you (and you tell the others) that their SD cards are good for video recording in cameras. If they replace a number of failed SD cards under the warranty they still sell SD cards as "good for video recording in cameras" and in good numbers. they produce SD cards faster than you can brake. don't even expect the opposite answer. :)
I'll continue to use it until there is an actual valid reason to replace it. .

It's not working correctly now and probably will not work properly with a replacement card either. How much more "valid" can you get than that? Here you are, a newbie to dashcams (which we all were once) making judgements contrary to the massive amount of experience being shared here with only unsubstantiated claims to back your position- that isn't a good approach IMHO but you're free to take it.

A coworker once showed me a set of wrenches he'd bought boasting of the cheap price and that they had a lifetime warranty just like my professional-grade tools did. I smiled and showed him the warranty where it said they'd replace a defective tool once he sent it to India at his cost and they verified it was indeed defective. I asked him how long he thought that process would take and how he would explain the work delay to a customer? Kind of ruined his day but he saw the point I was making:

Warranties are of almost no value compared to actual performance. I'd rather have no warranty on something which works reliably than a warranty on something which fails.

And I've learned to heed the advice of the experienced until I gain enough experience on my own to make equally good decisions. None of us here here have an interest in selling you any particular card- we just want you to have the lowest possible chance of a bad experience with your cam.

'lifetime warranty'



This post ends all speculation and personal opinion on this thread, providing the definitive answer directly from G.Skill's RMA department about their Lifetime Warranty policy as it pertains to their DRAM and SD card products. G.Skill confirms that I did indeed correctly understand their "Lifetime Warranty" policy from the beginning, despite
the advice of the experienced
posting on this thread claiming otherwise.

In this forum user's humble opinion, it's wise not to confuse other forum users being "new" to dashcamtalk, as being the same as being
a newbie to dashcams
That would be a rookie forum user mistake. To use Phil's words, it
isn't a good approach IMHO but you're free to take it.
I've been using dash cams, and communicating directly with manufacturers in Shenzhen, China since 2010 about different the chipsets they choose to use in their dash cams. Opps.... better to ask first next time.

Furthermore, and for other forum user's interested in purchasing G.Skill memory cards to use in their dash cams, I have good news to report. After returning the faulty G.Skill micro SD 128GB card, and buying two new G.Skill 128GB cards for my A119s, both new G.Skill 128GB cards have been working FLAWLESSLY for three days now, recording over 30 hours of video footage. This clearly indicates that the first G.Skill micro SD card I used was defective from day one. As you know, it's possible to receive a defective product from every manufacturer. It happens. Return the product for a replacement. If the problem persists, then and only then, suspect the brand manufacturer.

Lastly, before reading G.Skill's responce posted below, it should be noted that anyone who knows anything about DRAM and building computers knows that G.Skill is one of the best DRAM manufacturers in the PC components market, period. Full stop. G.Skill holds world records for the highest overclocked DRAM. So when a forum user tells you to
stick to top tier brand memory cards
perhaps question in the back of your mind if they really know who makes top tier memory modules.

But I digress. The following is the question that was posed to, and response received from, G.Skill's RMA department:


I own product FF-TSDXC128GA-U1, the G.Skill 128GB mirco SD card with SD card adapter. I use it in a dash video camera in my vehicle. The micro SD card itself is never removed from the camera, and it's only written to. The packaging of this product advertises "Lifetime Warranty". If in the future, the micro SD card fails to operate, does the 'Lifetime Warranty' cover it's replacement?

Thank you for your assistance.


Dear Customer,

Yes, lifetime warranty for micro SD does cover the RMA replacement. We will be able to provide RMA services under warranty, as long as the micro SD is not physically damaged and has not gone through improper operation.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
RMA Department

G.SKILL International Enterprise Co., Ltd.
8F No. 69 DongXing Rd., Xinyi District
Taipei City, 11070 Taiwan (R.O.C.)
+886 2 2766-7889

Well this is certainly embarrassing, wouldn't you say?
don't even expect the opposite answer. :)
Here you are, a newbie to dashcams (which we all were once) making judgements contrary to the massive amount of experience being shared here with only unsubstantiated claims to back your position...

Pro tip for other forum users on this forum, just because someone has replied thousands of times under their account name, and the forum assigns them the tag nickname of "Manufacturer", doesn't grantee they're correct in what post. Always do your own research, every time. That's what 40+ years of lived experience has taught this newbie.

Shout out to niko. It's cute that you know how to use Google image search. Thank-you for contributing something of value and intelligence to this thread. The forum community has benefited.

I have to remark that, so far, I am disappointed by the kind responces on this forum, based on what's been posted on this thread. I do hope that who ever reads this final post of mine in the future understands that receiving a defected memory card is a possibility from every manufacturer, and that a single owner's experience should not set the general expectation for that brand. Build a consensus from various trusted sources of information before making a decision on who to buy from.

As my original issue using a G.Skill 128GB micro SD card in the VIOFO A119 dash camera has been solved, there is no need for me to follow up on any further comments posted on this thread. Go ahead and buy a G.Skill memory card, of which they are competitively priced, and find comfort in knowing that should it fail to operate in the future, G.Skill will replace it hassle free.
Go ahead and buy a G.Skill memory card, of which they are competitively priced, and find comfort in knowing that should it fail to operate in the future, G.Skill will replace it hassle free.
sounds more like an advertisement of "G.Skill memory cards".:eek:
is it allowed on a forum?;)
sounds more like an advertisement of "G.Skill memory cards".:eek:
is it allowed on a forum?;)

If customer had good experience with product and aftersales support team then I guess nothing wrong if he recommends it to others, besides he showed documented positive story of communication with manufacturer rep.
The only thing he lacks a little bit sense of humour, or maybe he had bad day which is also OK, we are all human ;)
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g.skill said:
and has not gone through improper operation.

So... What do they define as "improper operation"? Some SD card mfr's including sandisk and Samsung, among others, clearly state that constant overwriting such as in a DVR/dashcam/home surveillance system IS improper and thus voids your warranty.

Personally I've been burned by customer service reps saying one thing then doing another when you try to take them at their word. So unless it's specifically spelled out in the warranty details like it is on the sandisk high endurance cards, or like you, they actually did exchange cards for you, i wouldn't trust them. without that knowledge, all anyone can do is make educated guesses based on previous experiences. Which if I'm not mistaken is pretty much the Scientific Method.

Coming back and being crass is certainly a bit of a rookie forum user thing to do, and isn't a way to gain any form of respect... Which any regular internet forum user already knows.

And for the statement that they're the world leader... How come they aren't listed here: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiconductor_sales_leaders_by_year

Also, dram is not flash memory. According to Wikipedia, g.skill has only been in the flash game for a couple years, and it's not clear whether they make their own flash or just use other companies' chips like they do for their dram modules.

And nobody here would dismiss the possibility of defective or counterfeit flash modules. Most of us recommend testing with h2testw (windows) or F3 (Mac/Linux) to make sure the card is legit and not defective. That recommendation didn't come up right away probably because your problems were a bit different than the typical fake card problems. That and we've given the advice so many times that it ought to be found a hundred times over by anyone doing a cursory search.
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glad to hear it worked out, G.Skill make great memory modules for PC, I've used them myself, I still wouldn't use their MicroSD cards in a dashcam though