G1W - Video goes from Blue to Normal


New Member
Jan 2, 2014
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United States
I own two G1WH cameras and one G1W. On all three I've been experiencing this bluish video when I started the cameras almost everyday. Seems like the cameras have difficulty adjusting exposure or something.

Does someone have these issue with their G1W?

Here is a video of what I'm talking about.

yes it does.

The G1W sometimes start with a yellowish color then after a while it adjust itself.

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It's definitely a white balance issue. The camera is cooling the image (blue) or warming it (yellow) to get what it believes is the proper white balance.
Got it.

So, the way the camera is adjusting the white balance it's OK? Is it something normal that can be discarded as a camera defect?

I don't wanna go to the process of returning these cameras for something that probably is a normal issue.
This is pretty standard on any camera. No need to worry.
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The camera adjusting the white balance settings to accommodate light is normal, however, it should get it right. You may see some blue or yellow tint, but only until the camera adjusts the color temperature to obtain a correct white balance. You should not see a tint through the entire video. If I had something like that going on I would send it back and get a replacement. If it is intermittent then it is fine.
It's only happening at the beginning of video (first 12 seconds). So I guess is fine.

I will test a little more.
I think thats normal. Especially when white reflecting snow is lying around.
Mine does that when i drive into shadowed areas.

The camera adjusting the white balance settings to accommodate light is normal, however, it should get it right. You may see some blue or yellow tint, but only until the camera adjusts the color temperature to obtain a correct white balance. You should not see a tint through the entire video. If I had something like that going on I would send it back and get a replacement. If it is intermittent then it is fine.

In some way your theory is right, but ... ( read below )

It's only happening at the beginning of video (first 12 seconds). So I guess is fine.

I will test a little more.

... I guess its might depending on outside temperature, some time on cheaper dashcams it's taking time to adjust all colours / awb etc ( maybe cmow sensor warming up or something )
However I have seen similar scenario even on some 250usd expencive dashcams at the very beginning for 1-2 sec, but it was not constant like this, - it was rare and random, mainly after device was cooled down.
We should not expect the quality of the vids to be 100% all of the time after all they are not anything like professional or even GOPRO standards. The possessors and sensors can work slower than expected.
I am still amazed at the quality for what is basically throw away price. Never would have thought it a few years ago.