G1WH and G1W real field of view


New Member
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
I've checked real FOV of my G1WH. It is about 94-95 degrees, definitely not 140.

You can easily check yours simply:
1. Find big object, lets say 70cm or more
2. Aim the camera to have this object fully filled the viewfinder from left to right
3. Measure distance from lens to this object and width of chosen object
4. Calculate FOV from the formula:

At my case I found wall picture 70cm width which filled width of viewfinder at 33cm.
I made also other test with bigger object to confirm that.
You can also use calculator at: http://www.panohelp.com/lensfov.html

Could any G1W owner check his camera real FOV?

BTW 95 degrees is really fine. I don't want to have more fov because then it would be almost impossible to read license places. If you imagine real 140degs the picture should almost contain your side mirrors.
140 degree, its diagonal.
Diagonal??? FPV is always given for X axis and sometimes for both. Even when I calculate diagonal fov it is 108 degrees not 140.
"They" like to write more value than its actually is.
Also its all depends on manufacturer. There are quite few out there. Some have real 140 diagonal, some are not.
Ok could you measure fovs of your cameras?