Getting Alexa to work confused. Com


Active Member
Oct 24, 2017
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United Kingdom
I can get Alexa to play absolute 80's after adding a skill and also to open the BBC but when I ask to play a station it doesn't actually play. Although that may be more to do with BBC moving to the sounds app.

Also if ask exa to start recording or stop recording it says it can't find a skill for video.

Really don't think Alexa is worth it if I'm honest.
HI @Simcor

The Alexa skills for dash cam functions is coming on 1st June, at the moment it's mainly for navigation/news/weather/music anything else you'd ask Alexa in the house.

If you have Amazon music or any other music service provider approved by Amazon you can play songs without adding the skills.
Ah well that explains why I can't get it to work then. Just thought it was me getting old and frustrated with technology lol

Thanks for letting me know.
No our fault, some things weren't quite right so best to leave that until its working correctly :)
To be fair it's a learning curve as I don't have any Alexa products so I was frystrted thinking I was doing something wrong or hadn't worked out how to set it up properly.