Giving someone view-only access to the rear camera


New Member
Sep 11, 2017
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United States
We have a number of 2-channel dashcams in use. When our mechanic is working on them he uses the App on his phone to login to his cloud account to view the cameras which are shared with him. But the only view he has available is the front camera. It seems that when using the live view the only account that has access to the rear/second camera is the main account that the camera is registered under. This is the case with both the mobile app and the desktop app.

This presents a problem as the registered account has full access to the camera's settings. That's a huge security issue.

Does anyone know of a way that I can give our mechanic a view of the rear camera without having to use the main account?

Are your vehicles on-site and connected to your garage WiFi at this moment? Or does each vehicle have a separate in-vehicle WiFi hotspot, and the camera connects through that to the cloud?
If you're using an on-site WiFi router, and the cameras are all connected to that, you have some options, but it'll require some IT trickery.
Also, if you go to Blackvue's site, you'll see they've started advertising an "API" and "SDK" that might allow you to do some custom programming. But you're getting off into the weeds to get what you want at this point.