Glitched Files

Gary Edstrom

Feb 9, 2017
Reaction score
United States
This is a MINOR issue that I have had both with my current DR900X Plus and my prior DR650GW. I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced it. Every few days, I dump the contents of the camera chip to my Windows computer before the 256GB chip has had a chance to fill up and overwrite the oldest files. I make sure I give the camera time to shutdown properly after I unplug the power. I want to keep an offline history for a longer period of time. Much of the time, the file copy finishes with a few files that it says that it is unable to copy. If I run a Windows ScanDisk on the chip, it repairs the glitched files, and I am then able to finish copying them. So my standard mode of operation has been to run ScanDisk BEFORE I dump the files to my system. It almost always says that it was able to repair some errors, and then the file copy runs without problems.

Has anyone else seen problems like this?
Not exactly the same as you but I have noticed, on occassion, when I put the SD card from the camera into my windows PC I get a message say the card needs to be scanned, so I do but the result is always "no errors found".
The card is then used as normal to read the files onto my PC.

Whether this is a Blackvue issue or a Windows one I can't say.
Sounds similar. When I try to copy all the files first without running ScanDisk first, it will copy almost all of the files and leave behind only the ones it has a problem with. The glitched files seem to be a random selection and may be anything from 2-3 files up to a high I have seen of 36 files. I know that they were not created during any sort of power-on/off operation because I have it running 24/7 with my B-124X & B-124E battery pair. After running ScanDisk on the glitched files, they seem to be just fine and don't have any problems with them. Without really diving into the ScanDisk status, I suspect that there might be a miss-match between the size that the directory says a file is versus the size that it actually is. As I said, I don't seem to be loosing anything. Just curious about what causes it.