
Jul 9, 2018
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Hello, i realized every time i need to have my car parked for 2 or 3 days straight, is when its at home, so I was thinking, instead of buying an external battery for my dashcam in parking mode, a CCTV cam would be a better way. Any good sugestions? I would like to have somthing like:
A) Wireless cams
B) Getting a licence plate with a cam on a 2nd floor day and night
C) Cloud service would be good
D) I can use my PC as server as its on 24/7, so a dedicated one isnt really mandatory, but if it doesnt increase the price toomuch, its ok.
E) I would probably need 2 cams, for facing each end of the road
I have a IP camera on my car when i am parked at home in the back yard, i am using a PTZ camera as i dont always park in exactely the same spot so the PTZ allow me to aim the camera from the computer.

Also as the camera are on my balcony door ( 2 floor ) then i am zoomed in so the cam pretty much fill the frame, this is needed if you want to be able to identify whoever do something.
At night i get motion detect alarm if anything large get within 1 M of my car

Right now my car cooking in 30 degrees temperatures. ( pic not the 1080p of the camera, this is what i get when i grab a screen shot using my phone )
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I use a 4 channel Dahua NVR ( Network Video Recorder ) and some china cameras, the PTZ are Sunba the living room camera covering the street in front i cant remember brand off, its just there to keep a eye on the postman when he bring parcels to me ( some times they lie and say they have tried to deliver a parcel, when i know they have not as i have been home all day as i am on a pension )

If you park in the same spot you can make do with a regular camera, just got to have a manual zoom / focus lens so you can set it up the first time, if you have 0 - 20-25 M to your car then a 10 X zoom lens should be fine ( i use 7 X zoom myself )

MY PTZ camera have IR light, the back yard where i park use to be pitch black at night, but a strong LED light have just been put up a few months ago.
Modern cameras with good sensors in them dont really need IR light at night if there are a little other light, my old sensor camera change to day color mode when that LED light turn on.
No i only use wired things, i am in the world top 10 when it come to haters of wireless technologies.

The one you look at are just 720p, i would not go below 1080, also the cameras are fixed lenses i think so you dont have the option to zoom in close on the car, and you need that to be able to identify anyone / anything near your car.

This is my car camera no zoom, as you can see no chance to identify anyone, unless it is your strange neighbor that always wear pink

This are full zoom ( 20 X optical zoom )
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Well this is good when you zoom, but i would really like a wireless one, since they are going to be 2 rooms apart, and i dont want to to some drills in the walls.
Anyone with some ideas?
you can also get the IP cameras in wifi versions, i just dont use wifi for personal reasons, the camera also having wifi will add a little to the price, but not more than 5 - 10 dollars at the most.

You can always access a IP camera by typing in its IP address in a browser, no matter if its on RJ45 cable or over wifi, and you can find software to let your PC act as a DVR/NVR and record the footage from the cameras.
I would think so, but i dont have any personal experience with any of them.
you can always contact seller first to make sure you get what you are looking for.

You will have to make sure the camera have a lens you can manual zoom in on your car X - 12 mm = 4X zoom, so X - 22 mm will probably be better for your need.
Some times you are able to choose the size of the fixed lens for the camera, but then you cant change zoom level, so better to get one with variable manual zoom.

I have my modified long range camera with a 12 mm fixed lens, i will try and make a test recording of my car using that now to see how it compare zoom wise to my CCTV camera.
Here is my test recording out my kitchen window, so you can get a feeling for the level of zoom a 12 mm fixed lens have.

Personally i find the 12 mm a little low, i prefer to be zoomed in more for a better chance to identify a person right next to my car, so for fixed lens i would probably go for a 16 mm lens.
But this issue you will bypass with a zoomable lens, something like a 6 - 22 mm will probably be fine, other guys experiment with lenses like that om mobius cameras in that subforum.ƒ-1-6.34263/

Of course if you go for a PTZ camera, then you can swing that around and zoom from the comforts of your computer, but PTZ are a bit more expensive, and larger than a little bullet / box camera.
I use Yi home cameras at home. a have a yi dome pointing out of my front window to my front yard / street. it has a feature where it does motion tracking of an object. it's a neat feature but I have way too much foliage in a sometimes windy area so it'll go nuts if I leave that on. however, I do appreciate that I can change where it's pointing according to where I park right from a simple to use app on my mobile device. it is wifi and needs only to be plugged into a USB power source so you can plug it into an external battery if need be. it does have a cloud service where it will save the first 6 seconds of a motion event for an entire week. there are subscription services for it as well if you want more storage. the lens is wide angle only so you can't capture any plates but model and color of vehicle should be no problem. I believe the software on it is pretty locked down so you won't be able to use your PC as a DVR for it. there is PC/android/iOS software available for it in which you can download any footage from the SD card in the device.

here's an example of it being used outside with motion tracking on. I can't possibly do this where I live as it's too foggy and it'll kill the camera.

Motion tracking and zoom on the object are pretty cool features, if my back yard camera had that i would be able to leave it zoomed all the way out and so i could monitor all of the back yard.
But sadly features like that are not yet in cameras i can afford, and i would also like a smaller camera and go down to 10 X zoom as thats pretty much all i need, bu current PTZ are full size 7 inches in diameter and i like to go down to 4"
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i like the yi home cameras so much and I really hope they introduce an outdoor PTZ camera soon. the motion tracking as it is presently is cool but not very smart. it would be great if it knew to look for people and vehicles. as it is now, any wind will make my camera scan my front yard back and forth because of the foliage.