GPS lock


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2015
Reaction score
United States
How long should it normally take for the GPS to lock?
I'm getting inconsistent results - sometimes it is very fast, sometimes it takes over ten minutes.
I noticed that when I start the cam and there is clear sky view, the lock is very fast. However, when I start in the garage and then pull out, it takes a long time to acquire the lock (~10 minutes).
Any way to debug this?
there is no GPS satellite signal under a roof :)
More likely that the issue is that when the car has been sat in the garage, the satellite position data is out of date and it has to search for the satellites again but when you start it in clear sky, it has recent satellite data so knows which to look for.

There may be no signal in your garage, but my 0806 can lock on OK in my garage.
I can understand about no signal in the garage but it should be much quicker outside. Sometimes I would be driving 15 minutes without a lock. I know the connection from GPS module is good (I soldered it :)) and I can also see accelerometer data in the log.
I wish the GPS log contained signal strength column...
Today, I have not gotten the lock all day...
Hey @Rayman.Chan is nanoQ GPS the same as 0806?
I can probably get one really quick locally if I can't get it working.
they are same PCBA but only removed the pogo pins
Are you filming back the future or are you on the S.S. Enterprise?:) That will be big speeding ticket if the cops get you.
I am thinking I either have a defective module or there is some kind of design flaw.
0903 (and 0806) use GPS module GAM-3526-MTR from Gotop:
(Similar one - couldn't find exact model)

This module doesn't have its own battery backup, instead it has a 3.0V/0.07F capacitor for ephemeris backup. Even with the cold start, it should get a lock in under 60 seconds. In my case it takes a lot longer (some times hours) to get a lock. Once the lock is acquired, everything works as expected (date, time, LAT, LON, speed) However, when I turn it off, it seems to forget everything and it may take a long time to re-acquire.

I can get another module, but I wonder if I should get one with a coin cell battery instead. From what I understand all of these modules have the same serial interface with NMEA protocol.
If the GPS takes more than 3 or 4 minutes (assuming the sky is clear) to lock outside, the GPS unit is either very poor in quality or is broken.