GPS Not locking after upgrade


New Member
Jan 24, 2016
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Hello Everyone,

I just got the DR650GW-2CH as an upgrade over my DR400G as it started having issues.

Out of the box, i tried it and it worked well except the time was wrong. I decided to upgrade to 1.009 and that's when the GPS decided not to lock.
I tried putting 1.009 again 3 times, didn't help.
I tried to put the correct time zone location and sync time, didn't help.
I left the dashcam on connected to my car for about 4 hrs and that didn't help.
I then decided to upgrade to 2.001 and Gps wouldn't lock, so then back to 1.009.

I don't know what else to try. The GPS was working and I have a video of it when it is out of the box because I was trying the quality next to my DR400G. so I know i saw the speed and everything.
I tried loading 1.002 and 1.003 that I found online but i keep getting an error saying ERROR01 unknown sd card.

Any ideas?
Thank you.
Hello Everyone,

I just got the DR650GW-2CH as an upgrade over my DR400G as it started having issues.

Out of the box, i tried it and it worked well except the time was wrong. I decided to upgrade to 1.009 and that's when the GPS decided not to lock.
I tried putting 1.009 again 3 times, didn't help.
I tried to put the correct time zone location and sync time, didn't help.
I left the dashcam on connected to my car for about 4 hrs and that didn't help.
I then decided to upgrade to 2.001 and Gps wouldn't lock, so then back to 1.009.

I don't know what else to try. The GPS was working and I have a video of it when it is out of the box because I was trying the quality next to my DR400G. so I know i saw the speed and everything.
I tried loading 1.002 and 1.003 that I found online but i keep getting an error saying ERROR01 unknown sd card.

Any ideas?
Thank you.
Hi, try looking here for your time sync problem
I have V1.009, I wish I could find the old firmware and downgrade to it.
Hello Everyone,

I just got the DR650GW-2CH as an upgrade over my DR400G as it started having issues.

Out of the box, i tried it and it worked well except the time was wrong. I decided to upgrade to 1.009 and that's when the GPS decided not to lock.
I tried putting 1.009 again 3 times, didn't help.
I tried to put the correct time zone location and sync time, didn't help.
I left the dashcam on connected to my car for about 4 hrs and that didn't help.
I then decided to upgrade to 2.001 and Gps wouldn't lock, so then back to 1.009.

I don't know what else to try. The GPS was working and I have a video of it when it is out of the box because I was trying the quality next to my DR400G. so I know i saw the speed and everything.
I tried loading 1.002 and 1.003 that I found online but i keep getting an error saying ERROR01 unknown sd card.

Any ideas?
Thank you.

Please try the following, it may correct the time issue for you.

1. Power on the dash cam
2. Wait for the GPS light to lock on - and connect
3. Hold down the WiFi button for 10-12 seconds - and wait for the beep
4. The dash cam will now carry out a format of the card, and will re-check the time for re-sync
5. The time should now be corrected back to the correct time

Please let us know how you go,
It has not locked on GPS since i've done the firmware upgrade.
I have even disabled parking mode and left the car outside in the middle of a parking out for several hours and it never locked on.

I have tried the manually install sync using the app, it did a reboot. waited then held wifi button to do a format. it didn't help.
Even tried putting in a fresh formatted card.
I think it has something to do with the time stamp after I upgraded. It thinks I'm in Korea.

I just donated and tried the custom firmware. The rear view camera stopped working and now I'm trying to downgrade but I'm getting errors.
I think i need to SSH into the dashcam and change the time zone from KST-09:00:00 to UTC-05:00:00 but i can't go from POSITIVE to Negative. It won't register.

So I've downgraded back to Stock V1.009 and my rear camera works now but quality is kaka compared to custom. specially at night.
I still can't get the GPS to lock on.
I tried to sync the time from the SD card, from the app. Changed the Time Zone to Canada\Toronto or USA\New York.
Still won't work.... any ideas?

On the stock first version the GPS worked. So i know it's something software related.

Stock Firmware . I WISH I didn't upgrade, had GPS and everything work. i don't know what version it was.
Upgraded to V1.009 - LOST GPS
Upgraded to V2.002 - NO GPS
Downgraded to V1.009 - NO GPS
Upgraded to CUSTOM 1.5 Firmware - NO GPS OR Rear View Camera
Upgraded back to V1.009 - NO GPS
Upgraded to V2.002 - NO GPS
Downgraded to V1.009 - NO GPS


I tried the Time Sync and made sure I'm in the right location on the SD card and using the APP.
Time to get your dealer involved..
2 times. I left DR650G-2CH outside for 9-10 hours with iOS V1.009E. GPS did not locke (Only front camera)
I will now try to V1.007.
7Hrs with V1.007 = NO GPS
24Hrs with V2.002 = NO GPS
So today it randomly locked on the GPS.
I have the DR650GW 1 channel.. it uses different firmware so my experience is different. But.. I have found that the GPS is very much a hit and miss function. I would guess that I get a GPS connection about 85% of the time on a longish trip (20 minutes or more). So looking at the whole trip with the RegistratorViewer there will be multiple segments that have no connection. There seems to be no rhyme or reason behind the breaks.. as in the direction I am traveling, weather.. does not seem to matter. Some shorter trips I may not get a connection at all.. yet on some trips I get a connection almost immediately leaving the house. Again.. as I always leave home the same way.. there is no rhyme or reason behind how long it takes to get a GPS connection.. nor does it seem to matter how long the car has been sitting in my garage.. as in overnight or 15 minutes.

My dealer has offered to replace it.. however, at the moment.. it seems too much trouble and I would prefer not to be without my camera with no guarantee of resolving the GPS issue.. and possibly getting a camera that is worse.

I think.. the problem is that the electronics behind the GPS are not of the same caliber that what is used in a GPS Garmin or similar map display device.
The DR400G would get a GPS signal within 30seconds of seeing the sky and has better video quality than the 650. Only down side is no Wifi.
I'm thinking of contacting the person I sold it to and trade.
sdf1 try reformatting your card in a computer....not the unit..and I know it's a little late but I never update the thoughts are if it's working...don't mess with it..