GS1000 does not work properly


New Member
Mar 21, 2014
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Hopefully no one here has ever encountered the problem that Ive been having when I purchased one these lemons from ebay. This gs1000 has an amberella a2 chip. Has the 2xxxxxxxx firmware, gps, g-sensor, motion detector, and other useless features.

The main problem I had with it, that it does not record in a loop. Yes, I have it in loop mode. It tends to make double copies of the recorded files, then it stops recording, because its full. The other main problem that makes it really useless, that it does not record continuously. It stops, then records, stops, then records, then finally it does nothing. It stays on, not recording. I press record, then it stops. The motion sensor is off.

I returned it to the place where I bought it from and they say that it works fine, but when they returned it and I start using it, bamm, back with the same problems. I think they were lying to me. Then they said that it was the cable that connects to the cars power jack. They sent me a new one, same crap. I bought a new one, same crap! I tried it on another car, same crap! it seems to work fine when its plug directly from a house outlet with a/c adaptor.

Anyone have any suggestions how to fix this problem? its annoying and I am ready to smash this camera to pieces!!!

Thank you
Disable G-sensor?
Yes, the g-sensor is disabled. Every special feature is disabled. It's frustrating! It has an orange menu from "masters-group." I tried to change the firmware with no success.
Probably a good thing, would likely brick it

Assuming you've opened it already to confirm the chipset, did you take any pics of the board that might help identify it?
Yes, I did take pictures of it today. I hope this helps you to help me solve this problem. Cheers.
here is another one.
I can tell you what it says, "amberella A2S-A1-RH" "PKXCEZOOP-7" A2S50. Does this help?
What info are you after that will help mate?
Anything you can find, complete photos of each board from both sides would help if you're not sure what to look for
I'm not sure who's that is, it's a 2 year old model though so I'd expect whatever firmware version it has would be the most current they had
Well for anyone that is interested or encounter the same problem.

I managed to fix the problem as indicated in the OP, turns out it was the infra-red LED lights causing the problem. At first I thought it was the battery and so I removed it. The camera would not turn automatically once power was supplied to it. I had to turn on manually and files would be corrupt. After placing and removing the cover of the camera I manage to disconnect the wires that were connected to LED lights. After doing this, the camera turned on by its self and did not stop recording on its own or duplicate files on its own and filling the flash memory fast. Turns out it was the LED lights, eh dont need them anyway, they are not that bright. They only light about the length of your arm.
Those generic GSx00(0) are weird at times. I fixed freezing in one of GS600's by disconnecting the speaker...