GS1000 Motion Detection setting lost when powered off


Nov 9, 2013
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United States
I have a fairly new GS1000 Organge Menu with FW SM5E5HGB.130708.V1 When I set the motion detect mode on (options are on and off) I can see a small blue "M" appear on the screen in the center right of the screen. This works fine until the camera is powered off. After the camera is turned on again the "M" is gone and the menu shows the motion detection is turned off.

I have two cameras with the same firmware, and they both act the same.

I also have a version of the GS1000 with SMH3.33.120312A (optons are 1min, 3min, 5min and off) that does the same thing - forgets the the Motion detection setting when the power is turned off.

Am I doing something wrong?
Interesting. I added a power controller so the cameras are always on unless the car battery starts to go low. They can only keep a short history (about 10 hours) when they are running all the time. With motion detection it would be perfect.

Oh well.