GS6000 Falsificator Modded firmware crackling sound when lcd off


Mar 1, 2013
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Been running this modded firmware for a few days now.

I have my LCD set to turn off after 3 mins. When it does there is this constant beeping like morse code sound with crackling. When I turn on the LCD at the back of the cam it stops.

I just tried setting the Power of Delay from 3 mins to off and tried again but makes no difference.
I think I've seen another post something like this.

Any way of setting the back of the LCD cam so it doesn't turn itself off please ?
I thin that would fix the problem. It doesn't happen all the time but every so often
where this beeping morse code type sound with background crackling appears but only when the lcd screen
on the cam shuts down. As soon as I turn the lcd back on the noise immediately stops.

Any ideas folks ?
Sounds like a bad relay (power stops being sent to the screen, relay clicks off, problem somewhere in there).

Sounds like a call to the manufacturer. They will want a video of the problem, so save a step and have that in hand.
Sounds like a bad relay (power stops being sent to the screen, relay clicks off, problem somewhere in there).

Sounds like a call to the manufacturer. They will want a video of the problem, so save a step and have that in hand.

I googled this problem and found this video on Youtube which is exactly the same as what I get.
A post below the video claims to have fixed the noise problem. Anyone know what the fix is ?

I googled this problem and found this video on Youtube which is exactly the same as what I get.
A post below the video claims to have fixed the noise problem. Anyone know what the fix is ?

They email me a firmware update which has corrected that bug.
All working well again.

Now to find a 128gb card to try in it.