GS6000 modded firmware anyone tried a 128Gb micro sd card?


Mar 1, 2013
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Has anyone tried a 128Gb or 256Gb micro sd card on the gs6000 modded firmware please ?
I only get about 2 hours of video onto a 32Gb micro sd card which isn't long enough.
Confucius say: do not spend more for the storage than for the device itself.
Confucius say: do not spend more for the storage than for the device itself.

Why do people like yourself even bother posting.

Super hd recording takes up space. My current cam records to 64gb cards even though the specs say 32gb.
Currently I only get 2 hours of super hd recording. Its not real super had but that is what they call it.

I own digital cameras and mobile phones like most the memory costs more than the camera as you go up in sizes. This has been the norm throughout time. I am surprised you don't know that.
Geeze why do people named Matt have to be so combative (peers at M in own user name)!

Take some time to chill.

Dash cam is not to create an anthropological record of your driving. It is to get the bits and pieces that are important and relevant to insurance or police to avoid corruption or fraud. Chances are you will lock those very few files or upload them right away should it occur. Don't know what you're doing to only get 4 hours per 64gb since I seem to be getting 10 hours on that. Even that is overkill for its intended purposes, all said. Get a gopro with external 1TB hard drive if you want to create the epic road adventures of Matt789: the movie: the documentary. I own the rights to that name though so I expect royalties!
Geeze why do people named Matt have to be so combative (peers at M in own user name)!

Take some time to chill.

Dash cam is not to create an anthropological record of your driving. It is to get the bits and pieces that are important and relevant to insurance or police to avoid corruption or fraud. Chances are you will lock those very few files or upload them right away should it occur. Don't know what you're doing to only get 4 hours per 64gb since I seem to be getting 10 hours on that. Even that is overkill for its intended purposes, all said. Get a gopro with external 1TB hard drive if you want to create the epic road adventures of Matt789: the movie: the documentary. I own the rights to that name though so I expect royalties!

Are you going to be the village troll. If you can't answer the question then why bother posting.
I don't get why people like you bother posting.

I am on the road a fair bit. You are the person that made that silly statement about not spending more money on a memory card than the unit is worth.

Super hd recording takes up room like I have explained. I only get two hours of hd recording.
Even setting it at 1080p I get an extra 40 mins. Here lays the problem.

You may have an el cheapo cam where the quality is rubbish and thus get 10 hours of recording on your cam.
I like to be able to see the plates at the higher definition.

64Gb card will give me 4 hours. I am on the road 8 hours a day with courier runs. There are silly drivers like your silly posts in here that cut across or if I am parked have hit my car when I'm delivering. My car cam can record for another 3 hours without being in the car sig lighter due to the high quality internal battery.

And this is why I need a 128Gb card. If they had a 256Gb card capable of recording at 30mb/sec I would get it in an instant.

In future if you can't answer the question and only waste everyones time with silly remarks then do everyone a favour and don't bother posting.