GS8000 - Display is always on


New Member
Aug 22, 2013
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I've just bought the GS8000. I try to turn off the display (while recording) with no success.
Maybe my version doesn't have this functionality, so I tried to upgrade the firmware with no success. Every time when I put the file of the firmware on the SD card (like written in other thread of this forum) and turn on, it starts recording instead of upgrading.

Any advise?
How much did you pay for your camera? If it was a bit lower then 100 dollars or so it might be the Novatek version GS8000L
What is the Firmware version on the camera. V1.0.8 G82A K, V1.0.9 G82A K, or something different?
With the camera and display on have you checked to see if the camera has frozen? Sometimes the GS8000 will get hot rather quickly and freeze with the display on.

I don't have my GS8000 on me right this second but there should be a menu setting to set the display off time it might be set to Off or No. Try setting it to 1 minute.

Try resetting it with the included paper clip type tool or a paper clip and then go right to the display settings and make sure to change for it to Display Off 1 min.

I have an Ambarella based GS8000, and while they are nice when they work mine would always over heat and freeze sometimes with the display on sometimes not. The external GPS stopped working after a few months, and the camera got so hot it may have damaged the Micro SD card inside.

After going through a Knock off DVR-027 a real DVR-027 a GS8000 and a Vico TF2. If you can afford it and want something dependable and of high quality i would grab something like the TF2 Plus Premium or one of the other higher end cameras recommended here. I understand money can be tight sometimes and it can be a little nerve wrecking to invest that much into something you might not be sure about, but having gone through everything i have i wish i would of got the money together sooner and grabbed a TF2+P first and been done.