Guys driving wrong up an on ramp, (exiting the freeway via an onramp.)


Active Member
Jul 17, 2015
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Durban South Africa
South Africa
Dash Cam
Cobra CDR 840, and sometimes iPhone 5s with car cam app
This boils my blood, it happens often on this particular on ramp, these aholes were driving the wrong way up the on ramp. Look closely and see a cop is one of them!!!!! FFS! Best part is there was no reason, you can see traffic on the highway was flowing fine!!! There was no incident and even if there was you do not do this unless law enforcement tells you too!!!!!!!
Why are they driving on the wrong side of the road for? Never seen anything like that in my life, hope to not see it in real life especially :eek:
Why are they driving on the wrong side of the road for? Never seen anything like that in my life, hope to not see it in real life especially :eek:
I have no idea!!!!! I went onto the freeway with no hassle no accidents up ahead. Absolutely no idea why they were doing that!
Damn :eek: South africa is going even more south, not the GPS location of SA but it seem like a lot of other things is going to hell.
The way people drive here is so bad , you literally rake your life in your hands when you get in a car. :(
that must be the kind of driver they had in mind when they put up the NO U TURN signs on freeway entrance ramps all over new england. never seen them anywhere else - probably because people have enough sense - but they're at almost every on-ramp up there. just pick a random interstate highway in new england, look at google street view, and you'll find em.
My best is there screw you attitude like you are wrong for driving down the on ramp?????
My take is they should not make exit-only situations.
i think you misunderstand - these people have made a U-TURN on what amounts to an interstate highway and are now driving the wrong way on a one-way section of highway!

and it isn't this:
As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his cell phone rang.

Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the news that there''s a car going the wrong way on Route 280. Please be careful!"

"It's not just one car," said Herman, "It's hundreds of them!"
i think you misunderstand - these people have made a U-TURN on what amounts to an interstate highway and are now driving the wrong way on a one-way section of highway!

and it isn't this:

I fully understand.
That's crazy. Maybe the local radio announced the road was blocked or something. Even so ... it wouldn't occur to me to behave that way. o_O
My take is they should not make exit-only situations.

I don't understand what you mean by exit only situations? This is a four lane highway, or interstate with a speed limit of 120 kph. These guys were literally stopping on the interstate and making u-turns to take the on ramp in the wrong direction. Not only is this a major hazard for vehicles using the highway/interstate its extremely dangerous for vehicles trying to enter the highway.

That's crazy. Maybe the local radio announced the road was blocked or something. Even so ... it wouldn't occur to me to behave that way. o_O

It could have been , however I didn't here anything like that on the local radio station. I think most likely explanation was people saw the police car doing it, and assumed there was an accident so followed suite. The cops here are an absolute joke, so it wouldn't surprise me if the cop did it because he missed the exit he was supposed to take.
These guys were literally stopping on the interstate and making u-turns to take the on ramp in the wrong direction. Not only is this a major hazard for vehicles using the highway/interstate its extremely dangerous for vehicles trying to enter the highway.

they'd be right at home driving in China then, happens all the time on freeways there, have seen it often
they'd be right at home driving in China then, happens all the time on freeways there, have seen it often
Crazy, must be a 3rd world thing LOL!
I thought South Africa and China was at least 2nd world counties.

Me, I enjoy going out and live like a 3rd world person at times. I understand their struggle when I go camping in the woods or desert :eek:
SA is definitely a 3rd world country. Complete with a corrupt racist convict for a president.
So does that make US states like Louisiana 3rd world States? And Russia?

LOL! I have never been to the states so I can not pass comment. I hope to have that privilege one day, so I will have to take your word on that. As I live in SA I can say compared to other countries Ive lived in, this country is 3rd world ! LOL!
That was pretty incredible!