Having Issues with Uninterrupted Power Box


New Member
Apr 24, 2014
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United States
Just picked up my ITB-100HD this week and tapped the fusebox for the powerbox. Powerbox red light comes on. I connect the camera to powerbox but nothing. Checked fuses, everything looks good, try it again and now it powers up. Here's the thing, everytime I pull out and plug back in the constant 12v fuse, the camera works for the entire time. Next day, when I get in my car and replug the camera (haven't left it on overnight yet as I"m still trying to diagnose this issue), the camera won't power on. Again, it requires me to pull the 12v fuse out and replug, and then the camera will work.

Did I tap the wrong fuse or it based on my pin/jumper settings (currently set at 12hrs).
If lights on at the box but the camera never powers up the first time after sitting but powers up the second time then this sounds like a camera fault, either capacitor fault or the regulator that controls the charge circuit is faulty
I thought the camera might be the issue but whenever I plug directly into the cig lighter jack from the beginning it powers up without fail each time. It's only when I try using the ITV-80 it acts finicky.
leave it sit for 24 hours, if it powers up first go straight to the lighter socket then the camera would be fine, at least rule that out, hopefully it is just the power box at fault