Having Problems with Mini 0803

Jeremy Griffel

New Member
Jul 23, 2014
Reaction score
United States

So my first mini 0803 MELTED...Yes - Melted, got my second and it over heated, third replacement now has a white line across the top of it and keeps recording files as "Invalid"! They are all generic E-Prance Camera's being shipped by E-Prance via Amazon...Getting very annoyed with this camera!

Amazon.com has replaced them each time but what is another option - I'm looking for a camera about the same size with the same features...input is welcome, Amazon is asking me to tell them which camera I want
Really?? How are you powering these things? How warm is it where you are? Do you leave it in the car during the day? i.e in the sun?

I also have an E-Prance 0803 from Amazon and the only issue I have is the mute bug. I still have a few days to return it so we'll see. I have been hoping an update would surface before my return window is up.

Do you need GPS & G-Force? If not, you might want to look at the Mobius. I have one for my rear camera and would have probably bought two of them if it had GPS.
Was debating between the A116/B40 and the Vicova WF1...Thoughts?
they're all different, what features do you need is perhaps the more relevant question, just see which comes closest to fulfilling your requirements, they're each good in their own way but no device is perfect for everyone
Looking for a decent camera that won't "fail" with good quality day & night
Can't comment on either of those since I've only had the F90g, Mini 0803 and Mobius. Of those three the Mobius has the best quality. I'm not sure if it's really better or it's due to unit to unit variations, but it seems much clearer to me. The F90g was the worst, especially the rear camera, and the connections were horrible.

If I didn't care about GPS and G-Force, I would have already bought another Mobius.
Frankly I am not impressed this camera either! I ordered two and one like the OP has melted to the point of damaging the vehicle. Fortunately the credit card company has come into bat on this however the seller keeps insisting I send the things back....well why should I pay return postage for a duff camera and one thats melted? Plus the damage to my vehicle?

As a result I am sticking with the Mini 0801 which has be quite reliable for me and not suffered heat sickness. I have heard though the newer 0803 have a heatsink to reduce the overheating.
Frankly I am not impressed this camera either! I ordered two and one like the OP has melted to the point of damaging the vehicle. .

any pictures?

haven't seen any that have suffered a melt down but this seems to be coming up a bit lately, I'd have to think in NZ you wouldn't have had hot enough weather to even contribute to this so once summer comes along things could get ugly
any pictures?

haven't seen any that have suffered a melt down but this seems to be coming up a bit lately, I'd have to think in NZ you wouldn't have had hot enough weather to even contribute to this so once summer comes along things could get ugly
A picture from the OP would be good too.

Mine is running with a case temperature around 18 degrees C above what it is when turned off which should be insignificant in any normal conditions. I can understand one overheating due to a battery failure but for two replacements to also melt seems very unlikely, assuming the story is true then there must be an explanation and it would be good find it. It does seem to be a very rare occurrence though, maybe of these would explain it, this has melted cars, not just dashcams:




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any pictures?

haven't seen any that have suffered a melt down but this seems to be coming up a bit lately, I'd have to think in NZ you wouldn't have had hot enough weather to even contribute to this so once summer comes along things could get ugly

Even in winter you would be surprised how warm it can get. This happened on one those warm days after a bit of a drive. I personally think the unit was faulty however the other unit shows signs of heat stress and yea once the summer comes I can guarantee its going to be a problem since only one of our vehicles has aircon in it. I made a shade of sorts to protect the 0801 consisting of bit black tape to prevent that external magnifying glass effect however internal heat build up in the car while parked is never good on anything electronic anyway.

All the cameras I have owned this is the one that causes me the greatest concern. Yet a basic unit which has no model number I am not aware of has been the most reliable in the heat etc. Guess the 0803 is going into the bin of being to technical to be reliable, its not even got an imprinted GPS speed on the display. Nope Mini 0801 still good!
Even in winter you would be surprised how warm it can get...
:confused: Did you accidently log into the wrong troll account, or is there a good reason for the new username?
:confused: Did you accidently log into the wrong troll account, or is there a good reason for the new username?

Excuse me? Please explain that comment. If you got nothing better to post then you sir are trolling.
Excuse me? Please explain that comment. If you got nothing better to post then you sir are trolling.
Well, jokiin asked Kiwi2013 a question and Treecop has answered the question. Apparently Treecop has knowledge of Kiwi2013's cameras. or maybe Treecop is Kiwi2013. It is a bit puzzling and I was just asking for an explanation, which you have failed to provide in the same way that you have failed to provide an image of a melted 0803...
Well spotted sir and until you mentioned it I did not notice. I am at a loss to explain that other than its possible due to using several devices to log into the internet I may have created a second account. Oh well either way my problems hold ground with this model of camera.
Picture of a "melted" 0803:

Copyright blackdaniel from dashcamforum.de
Picture of a "melted" 0803:
Thanks Tobi@s, now we know how much ventilation is required at the top.

For the hot air to escape from the top via convection you need to let cool air enter at the bottom, is there a picture of the bottom or did it not melt at the bottom?
I'm guessing that's one of the pre release ones via EPrance etc as the casing says 1080p rather than 1296p which the newer ones do?