Help Deciding which cam to buy?


New Member
Oct 16, 2012
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United States

I would like some help on deciding on which cam to buy. I am looking for something that will have a long battery life and easy replaced battery when it goes dead. A loop recording for at least 15-30 mins. would be ideal. I do not want to have to plug it in to my car, battery only. Must not be too big also.

I'm also a mac user so mac friendly software would be ideal.

Any thoughts?

Thanks !
Hi boojoo007,

If you are not plugging the camera in your car, you will lose one main feature for a dash cam - auto start and auto stop. You will need to manually start the camera and turn it off when needed. The dash cams that we have reviewed on our site all have auto start, auto stop and loop recording making them ideal to be used for dash cams.

If the auto start and auto stop is not important to you, the best camera that meets your requirements is the 808 #16 Key Cam.


This cam is very small, has good video quality, the battery lasts about 45 minutes, the battery can easily be replaced and the camera does loop recording. There are external battery packs that you can purchase which will give you hours of recording time as well. It does not have a screen and it costs less than $40.

The most popular place to purchase from is eletoponline365 on eBay. Over 7,000 of these cameras have been sold from this vendor.

To find out more about this camera you can visit the forum or the Chuck Lohr site.

Very little software is required since you edit the configuration file with a text editor, so there shouldn't be any problems on a Mac. You will also need to figure out a way to mount it in your car.

Dash Cam Man
Hi boojoo007,

You can read more about that cam on our main site

Compared to the 808 #16, this cam is more expensive, has worse video quality, has a tiny/useless battery and more reliability issues.

Dash Cam Man