Hi - New Mobius to be owner


New Member
Dec 28, 2016
Reaction score
Staffordshire & Hampshire
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
A139 Pro
Hi all,

I'm Jim from the Midlands, UK.

Decided it was time I entered the dashcam world, but I'm one of those that has to spend hours researching. This normally resulting in me going to and from various choices over and over.

Ultimately, I'm a gadget geek, so the appeal of the Mobius won over just getting a plug and play type device, not to mention descreet was key for me, rather than fancy GPS/Wi-Fi features.

So I've opted for a Mobius 2 with a Samsung Evo+ 64Gb SD, ordered this morning based on all the great advice / discussions on here. I'm aware it may have some firmware issues to be addressed and I will willing to take that hit in the hope they will indeed be addressed.

Where I did become a bit stuck on was the hardwire options and even now I've realised before I've even got it I've not ordered the best as the USB isn't right angled.

Look forwarded to using the forums as a member now.


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Currently I'm using a right angled Mini USB to Mini USB converter but one needs to remove the cable each time the SD card has to be retrieved.

View attachment 28285

The best solution I've found is one of these.

View attachment 28286

Should clean up the install a bit more.

Thanks very much. The second product was exactly what I was thinking of (flat part of the USB pointing up towards the roof lining to match the mounted position of the Mobius).

Have you got your hardwired? If so which one did you go with and I assume you have a fuse tap?
Welcome JimD
Mine's hardwired using a female cigarette lighter socket that runs from the the glovebox to the fusebox, where it connects via a fuse-tap. In the glovebox I have a Aukey 4 port USB charger connected to the hardwired socket; that powers my two front and one rear camera, with one port to spare.

More here - https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threa...ing-dashcam-review-install.21778/#post-286341

Thanks for your time to reply with that, really helpful!

Thanks for the welcomes too