how do you manage video backup ?


New Member
Jul 31, 2014
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i am living in France, and here the police can ask you 6 month to 1 years later what do you do with your car 6 month ago a 10h45. I have experienced it one time, about a hit and run (without casuality) i don't make, just i had the same vehicle and same colours :(, but 6 month later i wasn't able to prove anything. it's like ask you what do you eat for lunch the 02/02/2013

Ton of my friend have aproxymatly 6 month or more before have a summon from the french police, about penality or anything.

Know i have a mobius \o/, but for a 8gb it take aproxymatly 15mn to backup them on pc, and if i buy a 64gb sd card i will need aproxymatly 2Tb every month with best quality/bitrate :O, and if i need of 1 years backup because our police force, it will be 20Tb.

and you ? what do you do for your mobius's backup ?
You can buy 4TB external HDD pretty cheap. The problem is more orgnaizational -- you have to copy the videos off the memory card which takes time and you have to remember to do it regularly.