How many Mini 0803's are faulty?


Jul 22, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom

Got my 0803 today, but the connection through the mount was very intermittent and required you to lift the right hand side of the camera slightly, to make a good connection in the mount

I've returned it and am wondering if it is worth buying another one, or buying something else

Possibly thinking of buying another one and if the mount is dodgy again, just using a right angle usb adaptor and plugging directly into the cam itself. The reason for the right angle connector is as the factory supplied cable pushed up against the windscreen if connected into the cam

What's your views? How many people have issues with their 0803's?

You can fix the mount by a DIY that you can find in this forum or ask your seller to replace the 0803 mount by a 0801 mount, but connector will be mini USB.
Thanks I did try that DIY but it didn't help the situation

I'll see what the replacement (if I order one) is like then go from there I think

Does the 0801 mount definitely not have the issue then?
I have replaced my both 0803 mounts by 0801, no more issue any more.
Pins are correctly fitted on 0801 mount compared to 0803 mount.
Thanks for the info

I may have to look into doing that if my next one is also faulty
We haven't had any complaints for the mount losing contact with the Mini 0803, so I wouldn't say it's an extremely common issue.

Just for other people reading this thread: Another reason why the Mini 0803 might turn on and off is that power is actually cutting in and out. It would be best to use another device/dash cam to test out the power first.

Just returned two cameras one was much worse than the other but both would fail to keep recording, one would most often just lock up and nothing and I mean nothing would unlock it until it ran out of power (Screen would be all grey) it would not power down even holding the power button for 30 seconds didn't do it. Both units got very hot in use.
I did the mount mod and that didn't help much.
I bypassed the mount altogether and plugged the power into the camera directly, same problem.
I love the form factor, the concept is great the price is right. But the firmware sucks. There is no real development going on, and no one is listening to what the customer is complaining about " Mute that works anyone". If only they got the firmware right and provided real support I think they would have a winner. As it stands I returned mine because I refuse to pay to be a Beta tester. This is exactly what the product feels like a Beta!
Power source definitely wasn't the issue with my initial one, it was the mount being loose causing the issue

This second one I've got seems okay *touch wood*
I have 2 of the 0803 one front and one back after fixing the mounts sloppiness they both work without any problems Could be that people that have no problems do not look for a forum for help.

I had mine 2 weeks ago and once I put it on my Chevy Volt, all is good ! Great little dash cam.
Just returned two cameras one was much worse than the other but both would fail to keep recording, one would most often just lock up and nothing and I mean nothing would unlock it until it ran out of power (Screen would be all grey) it would not power down even holding the power button for 30 seconds didn't do it. Both units got very hot in use.
I did the mount mod and that didn't help much.
I bypassed the mount altogether and plugged the power into the camera directly, same problem.
I love the form factor, the concept is great the price is right. But the firmware sucks. There is no real development going on, and no one is listening to what the customer is complaining about " Mute that works anyone". If only they got the firmware right and provided real support I think they would have a winner. As it stands I returned mine because I refuse to pay to be a Beta tester. This is exactly what the product feels like a Beta!

The new Mini 0803's have a heatsink installed in it, so they'll run cooler than older ones.

I had mine 2 weeks ago and once I put it on my Chevy Volt, all is good ! Great little dash cam.

Great to hear you are enjoying yours.

I have 2 of the 0803 one front and one back after fixing the mounts sloppiness they both work without any problems Could be that people that have no problems do not look for a forum for help.

This is very true, the people who don't have problems don't usually say anything. If they sold a million and one hundred are faulty, the people with the faulty ones complain, the others say nowt. Other folk read the 100 complaints and come to the conclusion that they are all rubbish.

This is very true, the people who don't have problems don't usually say anything. If they sold a million and one hundred are faulty, the people with the faulty ones complain, the others say nowt. Other folk read the 100 complaints and come to the conclusion that they are all rubbish.


You'll always see more complaints with a more popular dash cams just because so many people purchase it and voice their complaints.

We haven't had any complaints for the mount losing contact with the Mini 0803, so I wouldn't say it's an extremely common issue.

I suspect you get yours from a different manufacturer from the one producing wobbly bases. However they do seem to be selling in sufficient numbers for it to be worth that manufacturer sorting the issue so I don't expect we will continue to see new complaints for long.
I suspect you get yours from a different manufacturer from the one producing wobbly bases. However they do seem to be selling in sufficient numbers for it to be worth that manufacturer sorting the issue so I don't expect we will continue to see new complaints for long.

Luck of the draw, the housings all come from the same supplier
Luck of the draw, the housings all come from the same supplier
I did wonder if the problem was not the casing but the strength of the springs in the four pins. On mine it seemed to be kept tight by the springs, until I added the polariser filter, the extra weight meant that it was then a bit wobbly...