How noisy are the Viofo dash cams?


New Member
Nov 24, 2015
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United Kingdom
I have a Thinkware dashcam F800 but it's annoyingly chatty with all the voice alerts for starting to record, gps locked, speed camera etc etc. I absolutely need to have an audible alert to indicate when it starts record (a simple beep is sufficient). However, with the Thinkware it's either completely silent for everything or all the noises.

Can anyone confirm how the Viofo dashcams are? Not sure which one I need yet but it'll be A129, A139 or the A229. Ideally, it has a simple audible alert to indicate it's started to record and then some audible alert if it fails to record for any reason. If there are any other audible alerts then I'm hoping it allows you to configure them to be turned off individually.

Any comments on this please?
In normal use you get a short power on sound, and then either nothing for the older models or for the newer ones a starting recording announcement after a few seconds - "Recording: Two channels started.".

You also get a voice announcement when a file is locked and a voice acknowledgement when you press buttons, lets you know if you turned something on, or turned it off.

None of these are annoying, although not everybody likes the power on sound.

If the recording stops for any reason then it will beep continuously, which is intentionally annoying, you have to either sort the problem or turn it off.
My V3's have a low volume startup chime and that's it.
the newer ones a starting recording announcement after a few seconds - "Recording: Two channels started.".
Which ones are the newer ones? The one's I'm considering are A129, A139 or the A229
Which ones are the newer ones? The one's I'm considering are A129, A139 or the A229
A139, T130, A229, A119 Mini have voice announcements with option to turn it off.

A119 V3 and all A129 versions do not have voice

All have a recording LED that flashes when not recording and a not recording beep.