I built a free video GPS viewer - CamGeoPlayer


New Member
App Developer
Jan 22, 2024
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I recently got a new dashcam for my car, the Viofo A119 Mini 2. It has inbuilt GPS. I was looking for a video player that would display the video and show the GPS data on a map. I found a paid product but the trial version was limited to loading 2 videos only. I tried searching for other free apps but couldn't find any.

So I built one myself - CamGeoPlayer. It's still in beta. I have only tested it with the videos from my dashcam. Need to test with sample footage from other dashcams.


It's a simple Windows application. You can load multiple videos in the queue and it will play them one by one and show the GPS data on a map along with a moving marker that moves along with the video.

You can download it from here and give it a try. There is no installer, just download the zip file (119 MB), extract it and run CamGeoPlayer.exe. It requires .Net Framework 4.8 which should be preinstalled in your computer if you have Windows 10 or 11.

This is the first beta version so there will be bugs. If you can share some sample videos with embedded GPS data from your dashcam, action cam, or drone then I can test with them and make it better.

It's a free software. I intend to keep it free. Try it out and let me know your thoughts.
It does not play anything and close itself
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Thank you for creating the program. I tried it with a video taken from a Thinkware F800 dashcam on my Windows 10 Pro, and it worked great.
I would only suggest adding the readout for the speed and actually showing the geo coordinates.
I fixed the download issue. Please try again.
Yep. That works much better now. (y)

As someone else has said would be good to have the speed and the geo coordinates on the screen as well. Maybe in the blank space below the screen?
Downloaded and tried it. Seemed to work with files from Vantrue S1-Pro except it needs to show picture-in-picture for front and rear cameras,

Caused a 'suspicious activity' alert from my security suite - so I uninstalled and deleted from my system. o_O

Screenshot 2024-02-08 065835.png
@DT MI There's an inbuilt Chrome browser in the app to show the maps and it ties to load the Openstreetmap and leaflet.js javascript library. Maybe that's what is being flagged as suspicious behavior or it could be that the GPS data is extracted by calling the bundled exiftool executable and your AV doesn't like it. In any case, there's nothing fishy happening.
Nothing fishy, take my word for it, honest guv :D :D :D

We have 2 other dashcam footage programs here and neither of them throw any suspicious warnings

If genuine you maybe need a rework or obtain a legitimate digital signature
Nothing fishy, take my word for it,...
That's exactly what the scammer told me when he wanted my credit card number to verify my eligibility for a lower interest rate. Said I had nothing to worry about. :woot:

While it's not likely that @yashg has nefarious motives I choose to error on the side of caution in situations like this.

I also have a list of fake CC numbers I give to scammers when I'm bored - it really upsets them when they realize I'm wasting their time, and some of them are quite expressive in their use of socially inappropriate words. :LOL::love:(y)
Some times i am sad i am totally blacked out, meaning i get no unwanted calls from no one, no unwanted snail mail from no one, no commercials from no one, actually i can easy make do with emptying my mail box once a year, and it is only the size of a shoe box, so nothing special. ( factoring out little parcels from the internet that do find their way into my mail box )
I appreciate my spam folder in the mail program, the 1-2 mails i get there a week tell me i am alive.
The regular in folder, well it see as little action, actually it is mostly RPLYs fro my friend on mails i send to him, that of course be not important stuff, i would never insult my friend by doing anything important with him on such a impersonal level.

Hell even the Danish gooberment a BIG fan of anything digital even if they can not handle it, well to them i am a snail mail address they too can not mail or phone me.

Actually i was at a office on weekday as part of the doctor i have is changing and so i have to choose a new doctor, they was very surprised i turned up there CUZ why wouldn't i do such things digital, and why did i not reserve a appointment in advance.
I toild them " look at the color of my hair, and look at my face, do it look as if i am enjoying myself here " and " now fix that " not nice word " on the computer so i can get the hell out of here.
And then a short exit tirade about how i can insist on being forgotten on the internet by the likes of google ASO, but no way in hell can i get the Danish goberment to delete the huge file of data they have on me from my birth weight to god know what.

All i want my government to know of me is.
1: I am entitled to a pension.
2: I have so and so driving licences.
3: I have a criminal record that say " unknown"
4: Any form of contact must be written on paper send by regular mail.
5: My address. ( important CUZ if you do not have a address here, you can end up in all kinds of trouble, same if you do not have any official income at all )

The problem is they probably have a couple of gigabyte of info on me.