I Made A Short Tailgate Compilation [germans realy like to tailgate]


Active Member
Apr 1, 2013
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I made this video over the last few weeks (there are also two scenes from winter 2012). As you can see the germans like to drive too close to the car in front no matter if they are on the autobahn or in the city or on simple country roads.

The authorities can measure it but it's a costly process to to this usually they place they measure instruments on autobahn bridges which records the tailgates after a few weeks you'll get post from the goverment.

How high are the penalties in your country for tailgating?

_video removed_

PS: Comments would be very much appreciated
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I have seen and experienced many stupid and annoying drivers in my life, also those who tail-gating. Best solution is to avoid them and give "way". Sooner or later they will get what they deserve: what goes around - comes around.
I heard some people buy 100eur banger to "punish" tailgaters, wait for the right moment, push the brakes, claim huge compensation via court for physical and moral damages.
P.S. - I do not encourage "revenge" and not supporting it !
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As Dave has said it has just come in for the UK and is £100 and 3 points penalty points on your licience, accumilate 12 points and its a year ban
maximum speed on our autobahns is 130km/h. I overtake slower vehicles (trucks) with 135-140km/h, and in many cases, even that's not enough for the psychopaths in Audis and BMWs, who drive behind, keeping not more than one centimeter safety distance, beeping and blinking the headlights. If I had to step a brake, there's no way on earth I'd step out of my car alive.

Another dashcam, monitoring the traffic behind, is a good idea. It's just that you can't do much with those videos without violating privacy of the tailgate psychopat.
There is a penalty for driving too close, but I don't know how much. Probably not enough, and surely not escalating with every new offence (like in USA, for example: 10-20-life.)

If there would be any political interest in catching those potential murderers, the police could easily do that just by driving the autobahn with low-class car, civilian register plates, but equipped with certified cameras, I think they're called ProVida.

P.S.: just checked at the police web page: they are actually making surveilance with ProVida, so they say.
There is a "two seconds rule" - the minimum distance must be the car's path in two seconds. For 100km/h = 54 meters, for 130km/h = 72 meters.
Penalties: I don't quite understand all the legal stuff, but, basically, it's from 40 to 300 euros.
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