Innovv k2 has anyone ever had this happen.

I’ve only seen that 2 times. Once was a bad sensor in the camera, the other time the camera cable had been crimped and pinched too hard. It looks like you’re already in touch with @MotoCamRyan via support chat today and he’s helping you sort it out now.
I'm getting this error every single time I try to access the system through the app. Which means I can't adjust settings or preview video or do anything at all.

If I disconnect the cameras, plug them back in, and restart the camera, the app works for maybe a few seconds, then I get the error message again.

I can't tell if the system is even recording any video, because I can't access anything without removing the SD card and putting it in a PC. Not useful!
I'm getting this error every single time I try to access the system through the app. Which means I can't adjust settings or preview video or do anything at all.

If I disconnect the cameras, plug them back in, and restart the camera, the app works for maybe a few seconds, then I get the error message again.

I can't tell if the system is even recording any video, because I can't access anything without removing the SD card and putting it in a PC. Not useful!
I'm getting this error every single time I try to access the system through the app. Which means I can't adjust settings or preview video or do anything at all.

If I disconnect the cameras, plug them back in, and restart the camera, the app works for maybe a few seconds, then I get the error message again.

I can't tell if the system is even recording any video, because I can't access anything without removing the SD card and putting it in a PC. Not useful!

I agree I truly think it's the app and Android operating systems is where my problem is. I did have an older Android phone that I down loaded the app and for the most part it all works there is some glitches that still happen but better than nothing for right now. In order for this system to be a good system they really need to rebuild the app to work with Android phone.
Actually no, the Innovv K2 app has been pretty reliable. It's been a lot better at getting and staying connected than the companion app for my Viofo A129 system.

I think I found the root of my problem. Seems the SD card I was using, a Samsung Pro Endurance 128GB, has died. I did't have any problems with it before or during installation, but I guess it started dying some time during my hour-or-so test ride yesterday.

I tried connecting to the K2 over WiFi out on the road, but got the "camera initialization failed" etc. message shown above.

Tried WiFi again once I got home, same problem.

I shut the system down and removed the SD card. I would have to put the card in a PC to get large quantities of video off of it anyway, hence why I installed the DVR on Velcro inside the fairing originally (it's far more accessible!).

The card kinda worked in my PC, exactly once. It didn't want to work in one card reader, then it was accessible in another, then it didn't work in a third. Then it stopped being recognized at all, I mean as if the card wasn't there at all. My phone thought the card needed to be formatted.

I tried all the usual things (restarting PC several times, different cards, different readers). The card was just plain dead.

The K2 didn't behave right as long as that card was inserted. I either got the warning shown above, or else a generic "SD card error!" message. I tried formatting the card while it was inside the DVR, but the DVR just rebooted. Last time I tried it, the K2 thought there was no card inserted - as I said, card seems to be totally dead now.

As soon as I switched to an older, 32 GB Transcend SD card, the K2 started working again, including the app. Going for another test ride later. 32 GB isn't much capacity, but will do the job while I get a warranty replacement for the 128 GB card.

Guess I had bad luck with the Samsung card. I've been using the same model card in my A129 system for a couple of months with no issues.
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Nope, it wasn't just the card. The K2 gives the "camera initialization failed" error nearly every time I turn on the system.

Guess I'll contact technical support. I must have an intermittently bad camera or something.

The good news is that I'm getting a free replacement for the bad Samsung SD card.

Other good news is that the system does record video. I just went on a test ride and am reviewing the video on my PC. Had to take the card out of the DVR and put it in my PC though, not only because I can't connect through the app, but also because it would take much too long to copy all the vids over WiFi.

Message left with Innovv US tech support (7753727270). I guess we'll see what ideas they have, although I suspect unfortunately this is just down to defective hardware.
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Message left with Innovv US tech support (7753727270). I guess we'll see what ideas they have, although I suspect unfortunately this is just down to defective hardware.
if you bought locally in the USA then @OCD Tronic will sort it out for you
Folks, I think I have The Fix.

Long story short, there is a known problem with Android devices communicating over WiFi when also connected to mobile data. Per Innovv support's suggestion, I put my phone in Airplane mode, then turned on only WiFi, then connected to the K2. Success, I could access all functions.

To make sure it wasn't a fluke, I turned the K2 off and back on again, reconnecting to WiFi each time. 3 tries in a row, it worked. I bet it will work every time, as long as I remember to turn my phone's mobile data off beforehand.

I didn't suspect that it was an Android issue, but it makes sense. My Viofo A129 system has the same problem. I have to turn off mobile data to reliably connect to the A129's WiFi.