Interference with advance key and/or back-up camera?


Active Member
Jul 29, 2014
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
United States
Dash Cam
Mini 0803 (Front) Mobius (Rear)
So I have read about the interference the Mobius camera causes with GPS units but I seem to have a different problem.

Every once in a while I have had my back-up camera not turn on when I put the car in reverse. It was a very intermittent problem until lately. Ever since this weekend when I mounted rear mounted my new Mobius camera, I have had frequent issues with the back-up camera. Basically it is now working ~50% of the time, while before it was working 99% of the time.

Also in this last week I have had a new problem with my Advance Key (keyless start). About a half dozen times now I have received a message/warning stating "Is the key inside the car?". This is during driving and the warning usually goes away after a short period, but not always. I have never had a problem starting the car or driving, but I do now get this message. I thought it might be a low battery but replacing the key fob's battery had no affect.

So just now, I unplugged the Mobius and drove to the store and back. Not one error / warning yet but it's hard to tell if it's fixed, so soon.

So I must ask..... Could this all be caused by my Mobius??? The Mobius is powered via a right angle adapter and a 15' cable which runs to the center storage between the driver's & passenger's seats. There it is plugged into a cigarette lighter via a Belkin USB power adapter.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Yes. Over the 10 months I have had the car, I think the back-up camera came up blank twice and I *might* have seen the key question once. Although during the last week with the Mobius installed, the back-up camera is almost 50/50 chance it will work and the key warning has occurred 6 times, four of which were after I replaced the key fob battery.

What I did notice with the back-up camera is that if it failed it would not work again until I shutoff the car and restarted it. Then it *might* work again, but simply pulling it out of reverse and putting it back in reverse never solves the issue.

I have the Mobius unplugged for now to see if it has an effect. So far, 2 trips, everything has worked OK. Time will tell I guess.
If it happened before the Möbius came along then I think you have bigger issues, better to get the dealer to look at it
After reading a few more threads here I am beginning to suspect my Belkin 12v to USB. These power adapters are talked about in this thread:

The couple times I had issues before having the camera could have easily been during a drive while charging my phone. The Belkin 12v to USB was my phone charger prior to using it for the camera.

Two days, about five trips with no issues so far. Time will tell but it being the Belkin 12v to USB could make sense.
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Try running your Mobius on battery to see if that helps. Then you will know if it's the Belkin
Update... I wasn't really able to run the Mobius on battery for the duration / consistency I wanted, so I gave up with that quickly.

I have now run about a week with the Mobius powered off and have not had a single issue with my keyless start or OEM back-up camera. I plan to swap power adapters (my belkin for my wife's kensington) and try again.

Update #2 - So I have used the Kensington USB adapter for a day (two trips) and so far have not had the issue. I'll update again as I get more data but it seems my problem was the Belkin USB adapter.
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OK time for another update.... So I have used the Kensington USB adapter for about two weeks now and so far have not had a single issue.
Seems pretty clear that the issue was with the Belkin USB adapter.