Is it possible to hard wired the dash cam without the power device?

John Ho

New Member
Aug 17, 2015
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United States
Since the cam has built it low voltage cut off so is it necessary to install onem
Yes, as long as the vehicle is driven regularly, the battery can provide power for hours without draining too much.
As long as your hardwire it correctly, then you will not need a cut off device.

Like Sunny has said, "as long as the vehicle is driven regularly". Moreover if your vehicle is going to be parked for more then four days it is advisable to turn off the camera, just to be safe.
Thank guy. I'm just gonna hold off on the power cut off devices and just hard wired directly to the cat. We'll see how it goes.
The cat may freak out if you wire a dashcam to it.
It may make a lot of noise but no way it'll power it. :D
Thank guy. I'm just gonna hold off on the power cut off devices and just hard wired directly to the cat. We'll see how it goes.
Keep us updated! Hope your cat manages to keep far away from you while you do this install.
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