Is it possible to use G1W as web cam connected to PC?


New Member
Jan 9, 2014
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I was wondering if it was possible to connect the G1W to the PC via USB and use it as a standard web camera?
Whenever I connect to PC, it automatically goes into mass storage mode and none of the buttons on the G1W work at all, so I can't change the mode.

It's not a big deal to me if it can't be used for that purpose, but I was just curious.
It does. It should give you a choice between mass and pc camera
Weird. I couldn't get it off mass storage. Soon as I plug it in it immediately goes to a blue screen with "Mass Storage" written on it and all the buttons are locked until I unplug the USB.

The camera is a G1W-H and the firmware is 20131117 or something very close to that. (I THINK, I'd have to go down to the car to be sure).
Maybe a setting needs to be changed first in the config menu but mine is just the standard G1W with the novatek 96550 or whatever the number is. In mov file recording
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