Is the camera supposed to record continuously?


New Member
Jul 28, 2018
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United States
New to the dashcam world so sorry if this is a stupid question. I just installed the DR900S 2CH and after driving around for a bit I checked the recordings. Under the Normal category there were lots of videos but they were not continuous, lots of gaps and missing time.
That is not normal. The recordings should be continuous. unless some event has triggered a protected recording.
I am not familiar with your device, but are there any other 'categories' of recording other than 'Normal'?

However, if it's the same as the 750, you should have a continuous list of recordings on the viewer.
It is not normal; do you have a red light flashing to indicate recording is occurring? Also, a blue light will remain solid when GPS has been initialized.
I'm not familiar with that camera but from what you describe it sounds like you may have motion detection turned on.
What memory card are you using? Sometimes gaps could be caused by a bad microsd
... but from what you describe it sounds like you may have motion detection turned on.
Surely that would only not record (missing video) when parked up?
Surely that would only not record (missing video) when parked up?
That would be the logical conclusion but the reality is that motion detection is marginal at best in many dash cams. You can do a search here on DCT to find any number of posts where that's the case.

I once set up a dash cam as a 'security monitor' overlooking my front porch, driveway and street. It never once activated in spite of numerous vehicles entering/leaving the garage, package deliveries and the lawn being cut.
If I have motion detection ON on my 750 and park in a busy car park, it records most of the time due to peeps walking about, but does miss bits when there is no movement. This can be expected, but that's not the OP's problem as his missing bits are when he is 'driving around'.
...but that's not the OP's problem as his missing bits are when he is 'driving around'.
There are many threads here on DCT where those same symptoms were reported and people had motion detect turned on. When motion detect was turned off recording was continuous as would be expected.

It's generally accepted that motion detection in dash cams is a 'hit or miss' proposition, and can vary widely from one manufacturer to another. Sometimes it's excessively sensitive (as in recording because of cloud movement, or an airplane moving through the frame) and other times not recording at all (as in the experience I posted above).

I'm not at all familiar with the Blackvue system but it's definitely a factor that needs to be considered as a cause of what the OP is experiencing.
There are many threads here on DCT where those same symptoms were reported and people had motion detect turned on. When motion detect was turned off recording was continuous as would be expected.
I bow to your superior experience of these things, and switching OFF motion detection would certainly be a worthwhile test to do.

I have motion detection switched OFF on my 750 (not because of intermittent recording when driving, but movement in car parks. My post #8 refers) and rely on the G detector to start a recording if my car is bumped when parked.
Also bear in mind that I have a 750 2CH and the 900 2CH might be a bit different.
I don’t see a setting to turn motion detection off in my 900 2ch. Only a sensitivity slider.
And I’m just wondering .. if you don’t have any idea or even own the model that the question is been asked about... what is the point?
Motion detection is for parking mode. It should not affect your normal recording.
I’ve owned a thinkware F800 2ch. And now the BV 900.. and they both miss a little here a little there.. but it shouldn’t be much.
The only motion detection settings is in the notifications.. I turned it off.. way too many notifications.
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.. if you don’t have any idea or even own the model that the question is been asked about... what is the point?
Naughty naughty People are trying to offer help If you post replies like that they may not bother helpful or not
I don’t see a setting to turn motion detection off in my 900 2ch. Only a sensitivity slider.
So set it as far to the left as it will go sarky.
My 750 also has a slider not an on off switch, but I obviously incorrectly assumed that peeps would be able to associate the pretty simple concept of 'OFF' being a fully left slider:ROFLMAO:
And saying 'switch it off' is much less time and finger consuming than 'slide the slider as far to the left as it will go'
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Did some testing with the 900S last night and the motion detection during parking mode was quite good. I did increase the sensitivity a bit even after so as I want it to be getting more rather than less. When I am driving it is recording continuously as expected.
I noticed the exact same thing as the initial post. Just had mine fitted 2x days and the video is not continuous. Multiple little MP4 files Normal or Event. I have no idea if this is normal or not. I also have gaps.
How little is 'little' for the normal clips.
They seem to be 1 minute long @ 4K quality. Using the PC software I can watch it seemless, but via the app there's so many clips... I chose BlackVue due to the app, rather than faffing around with SD removals.
I think that if you RTFM you will find that the default is for it to record in 1 min sections.
It shouldn't have time gaps unless you are in parking mode. Double check what's going on.
They seem to be 1 minute long @ 4K quality. Using the PC software I can watch it seemless, but via the app there's so many clips... I chose BlackVue due to the app, rather than faffing around with SD removals.

what you describe is how it is meant to work, if it's seamless via the PC app it's all there, on the phone app you will only see it by the 1 minute segments
That's brilliant. Thanks for confirming. I have read the manual, but I expected the app and laptop based setup to be the same, but they are quite different. Should have clarified that bit.