is the rear camera necessary?

So this is evidence that a rear camera is not essential, since the police got him anyway!

Presumably you got his plate on the front camera as he "took off like a bat out of hell"?
Or did the police go looking for other cameras?

Of course for people who don't have UK police, a rear camera might be a lot more necessary :)

A rear camera in the UK is absolutely essential. I was lucky that I caught any footage of him as he escaped. His mistake was overtaking me during his escape and zooming away in full view of my front camera. Had he turned left after hitting me, he might have avoided falling within my camera range and got away scot free.

He denied being the driver of the car, and refused to admit who was driving, but got prosecuted for refusing to admit who had been driving.

He lives a street or two away from me and has been pointed out to me - his neighbours confirmed HE did own the car. He matches the person driving it during the RTA.

As an added bonus, the Police clamped the vehicle and towed it away - it’s been crushed as he had no insurance, road tax or MOT.

A rear camera would have caught him in the act and shortened the time it took to prosecute him. He would have been positively identified (in HD, no less), and my insurance company would have had a field day clearing him out!

There are a lot more jackasses like him on UK roads who are addicted to hit and run antics like this. The more rear cameras there are, the more mindless morons like this can be successfully prosecuted and hopefully re-educated or banished all together from our roads.

Lastly, you’d be surprised how many silly tailgating drivers behind me see the rear camera and back off - and consequently start to behave.

The peace of mind IS invaluable!

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I got the rear end camera simply because I got a good deal (off Amazon) for the package. In the almost month since installation, I've almost been rear-ended twice, once where the guy was clearly distracted by something in his dash. I'd say the rear end camera was a good investment. Like insurance, hopefully I'll never have to use it.