Is there a fix for the shutdown when .. . . . .


New Member
Oct 30, 2013
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United States
Is there a fix for the shutdown when power is momentarily lost seconds after powerup?
My cigarette lighter is powered in the ACC or ON position, but not during cranking.

- get in car, put in key, turn to ACC, then ON, G1W powers up and I see the splash screen then the live image. G1W has not yet started auto recording.
- Crank engine (cigarette lighter power goes off), G1W says GOODBYE and turns off
- Stop cranking - (cigarette lighter power goes back on), G1W remains OFF.

What I've been doing is either:
- get in, put key in, turn to ON position and fiddle with some stuff. Once the G1W is actually recording, it will stay on even though the power is off for a few seconds during cranking.

- get in, put key in, go right to START and start engine. Camera does not boot at all until engine is already started.

I wouldn't mind if it turned back on when the power is restored but it doesn't.
Is there a firmware fix for this?
get yourself a "power on delay" module on ebay around 3$....12v drive...0-10sec delay.
I do not have this behaviour with my G1W (new 2014 with 320mAh battery) from estore009 on eBay.
My firmware is 20130922.V0.01.MM3

Everything is working fine when starting the car, and I also lose power when cranking.
Thinking to something... try to set a delayed shutdown. Mine is 2min. You can set 30s/1min/2min.

If the delayed shutdown option is set to off, and if there is no power when the G1W should start recording (end of boot), then it shutdown immediately.
I have mine set to I think 2 min.
It only occurs during the time that the unit first powers on, you get a live image, but it hasn't yet started recording.
I'll have to look at the FW and see what's in it.
It depends on the moment that you are cranking.
Try to cranking immediately after turning key to ACC.
The motor should have been started before the G1W starts to show an image, or after the G1W has started to record.
I have exactly the same issue with my G1WH. Some options I will try:
  • Different firmware (there are many available firmwares listed in another thread on this forum)
  • A power-on delay module
Can someone suggest a power-on delay replay?