Is there any reason I shouldn't...use a cell link neo?


Dec 26, 2017
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United States
Hi all. Living in Florida our rainy season is whenever mother nature is in a pissy mood anytime of year.
I live in a condo where I do not have access to be able to plug in to an outlet to keep the battery charged.
I'm getting tired of going down, finding a dead battery that I then have to unhook, bring upstairs, charge here and hope I can bring it back to life.
I just switched to Antigravity Batteries Lipo4 battery with built in management, so that means that the battery will discharge to a certain point and then go to sleep and not allow any more draw until I wake it up.
At that point it is supposed to still have enough juice for a few more starts.
This is great, but I don't want to rely on that.
Was thinking of hooking up both the alarm and the K2 with park mode to a Cell link Neo.

This way the drain is exclusively on the neo and not on the main battery. The neo can charge while the bike is running.

Can anyone see a reason I shouldn't do this?

There is an updated power supply to fix the slow battery drain issue on older systems. Please confirm if your power supply has the new glowing BLUE LED on the power converter box near where the red, yellow, black wires come out. If it doesn’t contact your seller for a complimentary updated one. We here at OCD Tronic handle North America support.
I will check. What is the difference in power draw and features new vs. old?
I believe the draw was about 350mA with the original power supply and about 250mA with the new power supply.
I assume that is during regular use. My concern is the parking mode. That is when the battery will drain.
What is the power usage in parking mode please?
The cell link neo provides 76.8Wh, which @ a draw of 250ma gives me 25.6 hours battery life.
That's something, but its not significant.
Helpful link for conversions from WH to mAh for those who need it:
The power draw should be about the same riding while recoding vs parking mode while still recording. The new power draw is a bit lower as @MotoCamRyan mentioned.

The biggest thing improved was the power draw while the system is OFF off (not recording while parked). There is no longer a risk of killing the battery when parked and the system is off long term.
Hmmm this makes it still a problem. See most alarms designed for bikes, especially the scorpio alarms have single digit milliamp draws, and then wake up to a higher draw for more features.
If you had a perimeter sensor or motion sensor like an alarm does, and then got woken up to the150ma draw to record motion, that would be great.
Right now I would have to power the bike with the cell link and it would only be good for about 25hrs.
Even if you had brought the parking mode draw to 25ma (common upper end of bike alarms) A cell link neo would last 11 days.
recording is recording, parked or riding you still need more power, parking mode is not practical on bikes due to the small battery/charging system
My friend put a horn on his Yamaha "cruiser style bike, but the battery on the Yamaha cant deal with it, so he power the horn off a lipo on one of the saddle bags. :D
My friend put a horn on his Yamaha "cruiser style bike, but the battery on the Yamaha cant deal with it, so he power the horn off a lipo on one of the saddle bags. :D
a bike I bought once didn't have a great headlight so I put a higher wattage globe in it, the light was actually worse as the charging system wasn't enough, had to put the original globe back in, they don't generally design bikes with anything more than what they need to get the job done
recording is recording, parked or riding you still need more power
I understand this, but just as an alarm system has one power level for sensors and another for setting off the alarm,
So could a dash cam in parking mode have one level of draw for motion detection/gshock sensor and another of the use of the camera and other features.

I don’t see how the cpu and sensor could use less power parking mode recording vs normal recording. Even if the bitrate/frame rate was lowered the comparison difference would be insignificant. It’s not like the system is using more power than it really needs with any to spare later while normal recording happens. Any motion detection requires the same video recording operation. There is no pre-buffer for g-sensor triggers.
I understand this, but just as an alarm system has one power level for sensors and another for setting off the alarm,
So could a dash cam in parking mode have one level of draw for motion detection/gshock sensor and another of the use of the camera and other features.

they can use a bit less power but the difference is not that great in the scheme of things