Is there any way to lengthen the EVENT timing?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2016
Reaction score
United States
On my old 0801, if I hit the EVENT button, it automagically saves the previous 2:30 and the next 2:30 adding up to a 5 minute clip.

This worked great as it gave me ample time to hit the EVENT button after an actual event has taken place and each clip left me with enough previous footage so I could see what led up to the said event in post editing.

It seems with my new 0906, I still get the 5 minute clip for each EVENT, however, the recording time saved prior to the button being pushed is much shorter (like 4-5 seconds)

Is there a way to make adjust the EVENT setup so that it saves files in the same manner as my 0801?
OK, I did some testing and noticed the EVENT timing is quite random.

On some EVENT clips, I get 4-5 seconds of footage prior to pressing the button....

On others, I get up to 30 seconds of footage.

All clips are 5 minutes in duration, but I have yet to see one start anywhere near the middle of the clip (as it so works with my previous dash cams)

Anyone else have this problem?