Is there new firmware for G90, specially for exposure control?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
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United States
Dash Cam
More than I can review. ;)
There were few members tweaking the firmware to allow higher mbps.
Is there official release of new G90 firmware that I can download?
I think I'm few months behind on this.
Both G90 and G95A don't have exposure settings even though manual/spec mentions exposure settings as shown below:

Decode Format: H.264
Video Format: MOV
Video Resolution : 1080P (1920 x 1080), 720P (1280 x 720)
Video System: NTSC, PAL
Video Frame Rate: 30fps, 60fps
Video Output: AV-OUT, HDMI
Image Format : JPG
Audio System: Built-in microphone/speacker (AAC)
Exposure Compensation: -0.7, +1.3, -0.3, -2, +1.7, 0, -1.7, +2, +0.3, -1.3, +0.7, -1, +1
White Balance Mode: Fluorescent, Cloudy, Sunny, Auto, Tungsten

It's very good camera except for audio quality and lack of exposure settings in the menu.
You can modify the exposure table with AFT if you want to modify the firmware :)
You can modify the exposure table with AFT if you want to modify the firmware :)

That's something I can try but haven't done before so need some reading.
You can modify the exposure table with AFT if you want to modify the firmware
but is it possible to add a new function(s) to edit these settings using the menu ?
I think modify aft code is behind the scenes and easier than creating GUI menu option.
So how do I modify aft table?
You can modify the exposure table with AFT if you want to modify the firmware :)

Also, if the AFT table can be modified to automatically recover last corrupted file and start recording instead of manually pressing yes or no, I can then put one of these in the rear camera and set and forget.
Do you think that's doable?
The only reason I don't want G90 on the rear window is sometimes it prompts to recover file from last run that it could not save properly because battery ran out.
When that happens, you have to manually press yes or no otherwise it won't do anything.
That's another thing that needs to be fixed in firmware so it automatically recovers and starts recording.
However, if you drive long each time, then shouldn't be a problem as it'll have enough charge to save last file.
It's when you do frequent stops.
Sorry, program logic/algorithm changes are not possible. For now it's just the static values.
Sorry, program logic/algorithm changes are not possible. For now it's just the static values.
I see.
Do you have more info on modifying AFT table with some examples?
What do you mean with AFT-Table?
AFT is the application name (Ambarella Firmware Toolbox/-kit)
What do you mean with AFT-Table?
AFT is the application name (Ambarella Firmware Toolbox/-kit)
See I'm not familiar with those that's why asking some examples on how to modify the G90 exposure.
For me the question still remains: is there any improvement if the exposure values are changed directly in the dashcam OR is the same as changing the contrast in the videoplayer ?
For me the question still remains: is there any improvement if the exposure values are changed directly in the dashcam OR is the same as changing the contrast in the videoplayer ?

I don't know specifics but increasing exposure at the source is better than afterwards.
I have DSLR's that only work afterwards if it's in the RAW format.
In regular JPG format, afterward processing doesn't add anything.
I think increasing exposure on the cam itself will have more details than changing brightness/contrast later on.

If changing contrast was equivalent, then all the camcorders and cameras with that feature are just fooling customers.
I have DSLR's that only work afterwards if it's in the RAW format.
In regular JPG format, afterward processing doesn't add anything.
So, optimizing the RAW data and then saving the compressed data is better than saving compressed data and optimizing it later.
Yeah but afaik dashcams don't save raw data since this takes way to much space..
@Sunny if you have any AFT related questions dont hesitate to ask in the AFT thread ;)
So, optimizing the RAW data and then saving the compressed data is better than saving compressed data and optimizing it later.
You can't optimize RAW. It's raw data so has everything.
You can't compare RAW image to these dashcams as none of the videos are RAW.
They are already highly compressed.

The JPG are compressed and don't retain original data so it doesn't matter how much you enhance it later.
So the concept is comparable to JPG as these are precompressed/processed videos so the more data in source dashcam the better compared to just enhancing what's there later.
It doesn't have to be "RAW" ( Protune for example). As long as the camera is not too under/over exposing and noises are minimized, there is a good chance the video can be made to look better with most editors.

Mobius B v0.53 WDR + Technicolor and Curves

The idea behind Protune (basically) ...
