Is this glare normal?

Not unusual at all, in fact it's very common - just reflections on the windshield. Easiest 'fix' would be with a polarizing filter.
Yes that is your dashboard that reflect in the windscreen, something our eyes and brain tend to ignore.
There are 2 ways to fix this.
1: get a CPL filter for the camera
2: put a flat black dashmat over your dashboard.
Any downsides to using the filter?
That should be the one, at least that's what the site says.

As to downsides, it will block some of the light from reaching the sensor - similar to you wearing sunglasses. In real life that means you may have to adjust the exposure settings in the camera. I say may because I use CPLs on all my dash cams and the automatic exposure logic in the camera works more than well enough that I haven't had to make any setting adjustments.
Also a CPL will not cut any and all reflections, but they always make a nice dent in them.
Personally i have both, though my dashmat are pretty rudimentary as such fancy things are not made for the obscure little 5 door JAP hatchback i drive, so i had to make one myself and i am no seamstress for sure, but it work and allow for me to test cameras with no CPL filter, though most / many are provided with that today as they should also be..
Circular polarizers have an extra quarter wave-plane element that helps convert the light back into a form that is suitable for modern autofocus and auto-exposure systems. Comparing with this advantage, the downsides can be ignored. This article may help you to know more:
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I've had the Viofo filter on both my A119 V2 and V3 and I fully recommend them.

I remember back to another brand that came with a filter that you could rotate and the difference was very noticeable as I rotated it through 360 degrees whilst recording.

Viofo pre set theirs so just slide it on, large slot to the top and job done.