ITB-100HD event button there one ?!?


Jan 16, 2013
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Itronics ITB-100HD, GS1000
Hey guys.

A while ago I wanted to save something while I was driving but I realized I don't know how.

I checked the manual and there's something on page 22 that says:
"If the level of impact is so light even in the case of an accident, the impact sensor may not recognize it and fail to sort out the data as event file automatically. In this case press the envt button manually"

So the question is: how can I mark some video footage as Event so I can have it on my card without being written over ?!?!?

I know you can tap the body of the camera which will make it sense impact and tag your recording with an event. The only button I can think of is the mic mute which I do not know if tapping that would do it or not ( I have the 100HD SP
Well, I'll try that and see what happens.
Unfortunately I have the Driving Shock sensibility set to Off as I get a lot of event files caused by the bumpy roads(even if the sensibility is set to Insensitive).

So taping the camera is not doing anything.