JooVuu X Day/Night recording with F1.4 lens 2.8mm, 60fps 1080p WDR ON


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
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In the Mobius section I promised some samples for the JooVuu X with the F1.4 lens I got, well here they are:

Night (starts unlit highway, towards the end there's streetlights):

The night sample is a bit disappointing tbh, I believe the original lens that cam with the X does a better job, but this sample was recorded in 60fps, and normally I record 30 fps / HDR ON in dark hours for better results.

I'm doing a JooVuu X re-night-recording in 30fps / HDR setting tomorrow evening.

Day (30fps 1080p):

Very blocky, hate that....

This is the lens:
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In the Mobius section I promised some samples for the JooVuu X with the F1.4 lens I got, well here they are:

Night (starts unlit highway, towards the end there's streetlights):

The night sample is a bit disappointing tbh, I believe the original lens that cam with tje X does a better job, but this sample was recorded in 60fps, and normally I record 30 fps in dark hours.

I'm doing a JooVuu X re-record in 30fps tomorrow evening.


Thus is the lens:

That's a Yumiki brand, wasn't your first lens you bought on Banggood a different brand?
That's a Yumiki brand, wasn't your first lens you bought on Banggood a different brand?

Correct, the F1.2 was the 1st one, this one came later. Other seller, other brand.
@Lola I bought 4 total, 2x F1.2 (4mm) and 2x F1.4 (2.8mm), all 4 on Ali's express ;)[/QUO

Oh, I didn't know you had bought 4 . I was thinking about the first f1.2 when I asked the question because there seemed to be some differences in the 2 lenses with the first one being the better of the two, I believe it had a brand name of something like Three or something. Thanks for the info.

I'm not quit sure if I understand, but both my F1.2 lenses are exactly the same. No brand marked, from same seller. But I have seen branded lenses, with the exact same specs.

I bought mine here:

Seller's store is called Treeye.