[Korea] Instant justice for insurance scammer


Active Member
Jun 23, 2014
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Dash Cam
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Be carefull what you wish for.
Hehe I hoped he had some hot exhaust burns too.
That video reminds me of an accident we were called out on (I work for the Montreal Fire Dept) many years ago...I think it was around 1993...

Leaving a party, this drunk teenager all dressed in black decided to lie down and have a nap in the middle of a boulevard around 3am... Speed limit is 50hm/h, but at 3am on a deserted boulevard cars zip by a bit faster. Did I mention the boulevard was not lit?

An early 90's Porsche 911 came down at "slightly above" the limit and never saw the kid. You all remember how low to the ground an early 90's 911 was? Yeah... he got wedged under the car and dragged around 500-600 meters. I'll spare you the details, but the kid never had a chance, there wasn't much of him left. The driver thought he had hit an old muffler until he stopped and looked under his car.
Thats allso common here, but you will be hard pressed to find a unlit street, or rather you use to be hard pressed to do that, these days many or all street lights get killed late at night, witch is kinda funny as we have plenty of unused windpower at night.

And offcourse the state drug ( as i call alcohol ) is pretty popular among users here, cost us more than 2-3 of the popular illigal drugs cost us on a yearly basis.

We need a volstead act here but instead they lower taxes on booze :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: go figure ( if you can ;) i have been here 48 years and i still havent figuered it out )
Is there a follow up story on what happened to this guy?