Lagging and missing sound


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
I just recorded a dashcam install with the SJ7 on my head, but i cant use it cuz the sound are some 5 - 10 seconds out of sync and so the last bit of video recorded dont have any sound or at least not the right sound as the last seconds of that are gone.

Used 1080/60 setting so nothing special.
I've never seen that degree of lag. I've never seen any audio or video lag, for that matter. Are you sure that's in the raw SJ7 files? Try MPC-HC video viewer as a test. VLC is a common player, but it has its issues. It can behave like a cranky child when it comes to settings and playback.
tried both you mention.
I have defaulted the camera and are charging it now to try and replicate, i too have never seen anything like this, normally my SJ7 perform flawless.
And it was on the same Trancend ultimate i have always used in the camera.
If MPC-HC shows the lag, then, of course, it's in the file. However, I can't imagine why the audio and video would be so badly out of sync.

All I can think of, as a fix, is reloading the firmware of your choice (which rev. was installed?). It's possible the camera f/w did something stupid and broke sync. But 5-10 second delay? That's really, really bad. I've seen it once, in a YouTube video, long since gone.

I can't see the SD being the cause. They either work or not. They're just holding what the camera put out.
Yes it is weird.
And annoying as the 30 minute install demo was lost. only good thing being i will have to do it over when the weather get better for working curb side, and i get the hard wire kit.
Yesterday was miserable with showers coming and going.

The FW are 1.21
Um, 1.21 is not what I'd call trustworthy. Sorry. [/ sad face ]
just did a 15 minute recording of my TV, and the video and sound was okay. though it do seem like my TV give off a horrible RF noise, but no wonder the LG Tv are pretty old, from back when a 2 - 3 inch wide frame was okay on a TV
If you can't reproduce the sync problem, I'd blame it on 1.21 and go back to 1.20. As I've said several times, IMNSHO 1.21 should not have been released as a beta. This problem, I think, confirms that.
Kamkar1, do NOT trust MPC-HC, check with VLC if you have the same problem.

I though so too with my older DSLR when I started to shoot some video, all of the .mp4 files
has sound out of sync, I then checked with VLC and there was no problem. Also note
I am using a older MPC-HC. Have not upgraded but I have never had any problems
like this with VLC. And the sad part is MPC-HC will be no more.

It was so much better at taking advantage of hardware for playback on a computer
compared to VLC, or at least it was. I assume there is not that much difference today anyway.

Also check other resolutions and fps. If there is a problem with the camera it could be
specific to some settings for video and fsp and others work fine.
Um... yes, MPC-HC has come to the end of its development, as of July, 17. NTL it continues to be quite effective with all of my SJCam and GoPro action cam video. While the lack of updates is unfortunate, that hardly renders MPC-HC unreliable. Otherwise I see no basis for "do NOT trust MPC-HC". I continue to use VLC, too, but find it's too often "do it my way". At the moment, under Ubuntu Linux, it's refusing to remove names from its present play list.

All of that said, by all means test the raw video on several players. The results will, I predict, be the same for all viewers.
New recording have worked fine with same players, a little bit frustrating i cant tell for sure what did it, but i will not do a test recording every week or so.
My SJ7 have been idling lately as lack of reasons to get out there and record something, i hope to be firing on all pistons in this regard for 2018 though i do have a little work still on my toy.
But recent days of nice spring weather are highly motivating, only obligations towards my friend and a bout of sleeping irregularities have held me back, and my friend are pretty much out of the picture now as he is in his new house and settling in i cant do much for him.
Testing is easy - poke the camera out of a window and let it run. Maybe you'll get lucky and record a UFO landing next door. Or maybe the video will be boring as dust, but at least you'll have audio to check against video.
Just downgraded to 1.20 as it did it again.
??? That's not a good sign. How about going to 1.15 and pulling the battery for 5 minutes. Sometimes RAM can be slow to have random bits. This isn't 100% the case, but given your problem, better safe than sorry.
for sure i will be doing some dry testing in the days to come, i would hate to think i just made a cool recording of something just to find the footage are useless.

First test with the 1.20 was just fine.
yes have done 4 additional record attempt tonight while working on Computer and watching TV, everything appear to work fine with 1.20

BUT ! as this is a wierdo thing, i am in apprehensive mode and have lost a little fate i have to regain.
"Once bitten, twice shy" - keep on shooting and finding out the problem happened with firmware you're not using now.
I am starting to think now, maybe after upgrading to 1.21 i dident actually get to do some recording with it, something might well have diverted my attention, and i have also been on a very low level when it comes to getting out there and get some footage.
Don't over-think this one. 1.21 has been involved with too many reports of problems. It just isn't trustworthy. 1.20 hasn't been anywhere near as troublesome. Maybe once or twice I've seen some event that left me wondering if I'd seen a 1.20 f/w error. Maybe, maybe not. Bottom line: I trust 1.20.