Latest Firmware update


New Member
Aug 27, 2018
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United States
I am getting a message to update the firmware in my K2 to work with the latest APP version. I am currently showing K2.20180804.V0.32 for firmware and (1.2) for the App downloaded from Google Play August 27, 2018.. The Innovv website only has firmware versions .24 and .28 with dates earlier than version .32. Is there a more recent firmware version than K2.20180804.V0.32 out there, or a more recent version of the APP (1.2) and if so where can I find them?
@OCD Tronic or @RockThinking might be able to advise

Rock said he will upload the new firmware to the INNOVV support site tomorrow. He also said the current version is stable and if you didn’t update you wouldn’t be impacted beyond the error message that pops up. (So nothing critical to update for immediately if you can’t get to it for a bit)
Just updated the firmware today with K2.20180901.V0.36 and, amongst other things, adds a "Locked" folder to the SD card
Just updated the firmware today with K2.20180925.V0.39
There's a new firmware 0.52. Not sure what has changed tho.
I downloaded and installed it this morning. There are no release notes for it, but from title and functionality it appears to now support large volume ExFAT. I was able to format and use a 512gb Samsung card with no issues. Otherwise, saw no difference.
It’s best to format the card as soon as possible in-app though. You’ll have better long term results with FAT32 rather than the default exFAT.
If anyone from Innovv is watching, could the next firmware update include a way to turn off the K2's WiFi entirely? Maybe with a special pattern of button presses.

I don't use the WiFi connection most of the time, so I don't need it available. I would guess that keeping the WiFi device always powered up generates extra heat, even if there's not an active connection. Seems like it would be better to have that turned off when not needed.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding, and the WiFi is effectively "off" as long as not actually connected?
If anyone from Innovv is watching, could the next firmware update include a way to turn off the K2's WiFi entirely? Maybe with a special pattern of button presses.

I don't use the WiFi connection most of the time, so I don't need it available. I would guess that keeping the WiFi device always powered up generates extra heat, even if there's not an active connection. Seems like it would be better to have that turned off when not needed.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding, and the WiFi is effectively "off" as long as not actually connected?

With the latest firmware there is a new shutoff timer option to shut off WiFi after ignition on. New Setting on app has three options.
After power on 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or never
Yes, I saw that - glad it's added. I just upgraded to the 0.64 firmware. So far so good.