Lexar Micro SD Card - Suitable?


Active Member
Dec 6, 2012
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SE Queensland
Dash Cam
SG9665GC V2 with 200GB SanDisk Ultra microS Card & CPL
Can somebody tell me if this Lexar 32GB Micro SD Card is suitable for the SG9665GC V2?

I was trying to set the date on my SG9665GC V2 today and dropped the SD card I fear it has gone a slot in the gearshift for the AT Honda CR-V. I have searched the carpet and under the seat area high & low but no can findee, I last saw it slide/bouncing down the heater controls which are directly above the gear lever.

I can pick up the above Micro SD tomorrow morning.
It was the Transcend 32GB (Red & Black on the front) I can't remember what class or speed it was jokiin.
I am prepared to pay the $34.00, I just want to have the camera rolling.
I need a full sized SD card, my fat fingers can't control those little micro's, I have been s....t scared of losing it from Day 1. :D And now I have been proven right to have been worried. :(
Lesson learned put a towel over the dash when handling the micro SD card. :D :D

I will sit tight for the time being and wait for the 128GB card, Thanks jokiin.
I need a full sized SD card, my fat fingers can't control those little micro's, I have been s....t scared of losing it from Day 1. :D And now I have been proven right to have been worried. :(
Lesson learned put a towel over the dash when handling the micro SD card. :D :D

I will sit tight for the time being and wait for the 128GB card, Thanks jokiin.

Just in case I am holding Baseball Cap close to microsd slot when removing card.
Some of us have put a little tape on the micro SD card so there is somthing to hole on while messing with the little buggers.

Last summer i launched my best 64Gb SD card out of the open door in my car and onto peasized stoned in the yard where my car is parked, and i can assure you crawling around on stones like that on hands and knees is no fun bordering torture.
SO after a while i gave up got into my car, took one final look at the ground and spotted the card right below the panel, so the card must have bounsed back towards the car when it hit the stones.
That is a good idea Niko, Thanks for the tip.
Some of us have put a little tape on the micro SD card so there is somthing to hole on while messing with the little buggers.

Last summer i launched my best 64Gb SD card out of the open door in my car and onto peasized stoned in the yard where my car is parked, and i can assure you crawling around on stones like that on hands and knees is no fun bordering torture.
SO after a while i gave up got into my car, took one final look at the ground and spotted the card right below the panel, so the card must have bounsed back towards the car when it hit the stones.

kamar1 I can picture you in my head of you on your hands knees on the gravel.
I too have launched mine too when trying to seat the card using a my fingernail and it slipped off the card, lucky for me the door was closed and the window was up.
Yeah the Lexar cards seem to be good all around, i cant remember any dashcam they dont work in.
Some of us have put a little tape on the micro SD card so there is somthing to hole on while messing with the little buggers.


kamkar1, did you use normal sticky tape for your tab?
I tried sticky tape but it wouldn't stick properly, next I tried a tiny piece of plastic from a laminated picture and super glued that to the card but it just snapped off too.
The laminate came off because I tried using that to insert the card as well and that's when it came off, as I said earlier my fat fingers don't help at all, I have to use a key to insert/remove the card
and if it slips off, well you know the results of that only too well.

More experiments to come! :eek: :D
don't put super glue anywhere near the camera, the vapour that comes off super glue makes a mess

That experiment failed before it got anywhere near the camera.

What about a very small dab of hot melt glue onto a piece of light plastic and then onto the card? Fail!
The glue cools real quick so heat should not be a problem and I think it wouldn't be as hot as the card working in the camera on a 28 - 32°C day.
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In that pic i think its just regular tape i have allso tried duct tape, as long as it isent too thick it should still work.
The things i have tried have not been install and forget, will have to be redone once in a while.

The card slot on the 9665GC isent optimal thats for sure, and if you are the type that trim the nails often then its even worse, i can only hope SG can make it a little better in future models.
Somthing like the SD / sim card holder on many phones would be stellar i think ( not that i have tried a phone like that, but i have seen pictures where the SD/sim card go into a little cradle you then slide into the phone ( on the side usioally )
In my Kingston card reader the micro SD card protrude 3 mm or so when its in there, but offcourse thats allso not a click lock slot.

You might allso be able to glue onto the card some thicker and stronger plastic, if i was to try that i would go to my old workplace and get one of those clear rip off plastich we used on the painting masks, its fairly stiff but still less than 0.5 mm i recon.

But as the other guys said dont get cyano glue near any lens while its still wet or curing, the stuff give off some nasty vapors.

I will try to retrive my 9665GC on my next drive then i will do a little experimenting on my end too, somthing stiff would be best i recon in aiding insertion of the SD card.

What ever you do you will have to stay above the little noch on the side of the card, i think whats below that will be inside the metal part of the card socket so little or no room for anything there
In that pic i think its just regular tape i have allso tried duct tape, as long as it isent too thick it should still work.
The things i have tried have not been install and forget, will have to be redone once in a while.

The card slot on the 9665GC isent optimal thats for sure, and if you are the type that trim the nails often then its even worse, i can only hope SG can make it a little better in future models.
Somthing like the SD / sim card holder on many phones would be stellar i think ( not that i have tried a phone like that, but i have seen pictures where the SD/sim card go into a little cradle you then slide into the phone ( on the side usioally )
In my Kingston card reader the micro SD card protrude 3 mm or so when its in there, but offcourse thats allso not a click lock slot.

You might allso be able to glue onto the card some thicker and stronger plastic, if i was to try that i would go to my old workplace and get one of those clear rip off plastich we used on the painting masks, its fairly stiff but still less than 0.5 mm i recon.

But as the other guys said dont get cyano glue near any lens while its still wet or curing, the stuff give off some nasty vapors. - I left it for an hour or so to make sure the glue had set hard.

I will try to retrive my 9665GC on my next drive then i will do a little experimenting on my end too, somthing stiff would be best i recon in aiding insertion of the SD card. - I have tried a piece of stiff plastic from an el cheapo spray bottle and I have also tried a piece of laminator plastic that was stiff enough for the job, the problem is the glue will not adhere to the SD Card :confused:.

What ever you do you will have to stay above the little noch on the side of the card, i think whats below that will be inside the metal part of the card socket so little or no room for anything there. - as you say a little bit bigger notch or an upgrade to a proper SD Card would be the go. I haven't read up on why Street Guardian chose the micro sd card route.
For the time being I will stick with the baseball cap and key trick and bounce the idea off some mates and see whta they come up with.
Funny the glue wont stick to that card, that stuff usioaly work on anything, i will first experiment on older smaller SD cards i have lying around, but if i come up with somthing good then i will try that on my Lexar ( 300x ) too.
Going for a drive tomorrow.
Okay here is what i have done ( with a noname 4 Gb card )

First off to get optimal contact on the SD card i sanded off the small lip that is on the " back side" of the card, allso this should provide a optimal "ancorprofile" for the glue. ( i think maybe the printed text on the lexar might be the reason cyano wont "bite" on it )

For extension i found some clear plastic that was part of one of those wrappers on stuff thats near impossible to take apart, the stuff is 0.5 mm thick.
This i allso sanded where the glue go for optimal bonding.
The size of the clear plastic is about 6 mm X 40 mm, so plenty to grip on if you have big hands.

The glue i used is Loctite super glue in a small tube, i think there is a couple of grams of glue in each little tube.

With this i still have the click lock of the SD socket, but i doubt you can go much thicker if you want to keep that function.


It is a close fit, but you can enter the SD card into the camera no problem, in my tests here at the comuter table i was holding the cam with my Right arn streched fully and then entering the SD card with the Left arm/hand.
Seemed to work allright for me.


Offcourse sanding your SD card and start to glue stuff to it will proberly void the warrenty, but if you had enuff of launching the damm small SD cards and crawling around on your hands and knees to find them ( if you are so lucky )
This should work.
As to how good it stick together i have been using the SD card as a sort of guitar pick on the fingers of my fist, and i had it in and out of the camera a lot of times.

Edit vigourous playing on my knuckle just made the SD card come off the clear plastic, but it look like the glue let go of the clear plastic and not the SD card.
Will sand both again and try again, when it curred i dident apply pressure to all of the surface i just pressed down on it for a while with a phillips head screwdriver.
Will clamp dow hard on it all in my next test.

Still i think its viable if you only use it for inserting of the SD card, but not sure with Aussie summer temperatures, and Danish summer is still months avay.

Perhaps use a more coarse sanding paper, mine is pretty fine as its for automotive use.
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What works for me. Forget the glue, scotch tape, etc etc. Clear Packing Tape will hold any piece of plastic to the card. What I did was cut a piece of stiff plastic (credit card, or any plastic that don't flex) the width of your SD card (3/8") and approx 5/16" long. Lay the plastic AND the SD card on the sticky side of a piece of Packing Tape, making sure you don't cover the contacts on the card. Fold the tape over itself sealing in the two pieces and then TRIM along the edges with a pair of scissors.
The plastic now becomes a handle for the card and makes inserting and removal a Breeze. No more popping out of the camera. I've been inserting and removing mine for a year now with ease


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