Looking for a reliable, high-end, front and rear setup with parking mode


New Member
Nov 22, 2014
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United Kingdom
I am looking for advice finding the best dashcam set up for my car. I have had two miwitness 2ch cameras in the past which were relatively reliable (some problems in parking mode and occasionally reboots required) but at 720p front 480p rear did not produce the best quality footage.

Money is no object really. The reason we got into dashcams in the first place was that we spent a year fighting an insurance claim where the other party lied. Had there been footage available it would have saved a lot of time and stress (and potentially insurance excess had we lost).

I would like to cover the front and rear of the car but know that most 2 channel cameras have compromises so am open to suggestions of separate cameras front and rear. One problem i have is that the car I will be installing in is a convertible and the only place I can attach the rear camera is 12-18 inches from the rear screen. Additionally the rear screen has been tinted so this may make a rear camera useless (unless the roof is down).

I do not necessarily need a screen so long as there is some way of knowing that the device is functioning (either visual or audible). With the miwitness sometimes no footage is recorded if the device freezes. Similarly, GPS would be nice but not essential.

Ideally I would like to be able to buy direct from a UK seller, mainly so returns can be sorted quickly in the event of a replacement unit being required. I am aware that this probably limits things so is not essential. I know Pier28 regularly ships to the UK.

Sorry for the essay. In short i'm looking for:

  1. Front and rear cameras
  2. Very reliable
  3. Fairly good quality footage
  4. Parking mode (on the front at least, not essential at the rear)
  5. Some indication that the camera is working while driving (either visual or audible)
  6. Discrete would be nice but I won't discount anything based on size/appearance
I would be very greatful for any advice.
Go for the X2. I just got mine from @Pier28 last week and there isn't anything he wouldn't do to accommodate potential and present customers. The camera itself is currently being beta tested by a few very in the know people and I'll be joining them once I get mine fitted in the next couple of days7