Love to hate my 512gw

Eeeeeeveryone complains about the logo, I think soon enough nextbase will give in and have it removed on a firmware update

They say they won't, but Andy Dufresne never gave up begging for his library money :D
The hi and low files feature will be removed or be able to removed on the 512gw when the rear camera is released.

A firmware update should resolve that issue although I think Tiffany said the low files will be replaced with the rear camera files.

But I think they said they will include the option to lose the low files in a firmware update.
NextBase should NOT enforce their logo on the videos. What world are they living in?! As long as they FORCE customers videos to be polluted by their big logo I do NOT recommend people to buy a NextBase dashcam. Can you imagine if all your videos and pictures taken with your iPhone was stamped with a big APPLE logo? Or ALL your photos taken with a Pentax, Canon etc was forcefully stamped with a big company logo? It's absurd. We shall not accept this! We pay for a dashcam to capture clear videos! Not to make ADS for NextBase!
To be fair, almost every brand of dashcam that uses its logo on the video does it in a very discreet way, and usually at the very bottom (where most people tend to have a bit of dashboard in the shot anyway) but the Nextbase one is VERY bold and in the top left. I shudder to think of the amount of interesting shaped clouds/planes/meteors that have inadvertently been censored by the logo :D

But honestly, given the amount of Nextbase cams that are sold, especially in the UK, I expect not enough people have complained enough to make a difference, even if there are many who don't like it