Low Voltage Cutoff module - Where to buy?


Mar 23, 2018
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United States
I had purchased for my previous car and my wife's car a 12v low voltage cutoff module. It had dip switches were I could set the levels.
I no longer see them on Ebay or Amazon. Does anyone know where I can find one?
Disregard, duh, I remember now it was a PowerMagic Pro.
Newer cameras are a bit more brand specific in what hard wire kit to use, not like the old days where you had a few generic kits you could choose from.
So today to get parking guard on a viofo camera for instance you will need the correct viofo hard wire kit. ASO
A walk down "Memory Lane" :)

HWK's today have built-in low voltage protection, however some of the cheaper ones are not adjustable and default to 11.6V - 11.8V only which is extremely hard on the car battery and will likely leave you with a 'no-start' condition if your battery isn't nearly new. All the better cams now use an adjustable LV cutoff HWK, rendering devices like the PMP obsolete and unneeded.

Depending which dashcam you're getting will determine if you can still use the pmp (Power Magic Pro)... Blackvue's newest LTE dashcam (DR750X 2Ch LTE PLUS - released Nov 2021 still uses the PMP.