LS460w, yes or no?

Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
have read through a ton of different forums now, lots of people say go for the ls430 over the ls460, however, there are a ton of peeps that think the 460 is better too.
So what i did, was to buy the 430 just to be safe, but the stupid company sent me the 460 instead. should i return it and ask for the 430(havent opened it yet), or just stick with it? can it be tweaked to be better/sharper?

the reason ive posted here is because you guys seem to know your stuff, so i`ll go with whatever advice you take:-)


My understanding is that there is very limited 430 stock, so the seller may only have 460 instead.

Was also looking to buy 430 but almost no one carried it anymore. Ended up with 460 and am happy with it. Running it with ADATA 64G, no problem so far although I haven't filled it yet.
The 460 has a better hardware base but needs time for the firmware to settle.

I had multiple issues with a couple of units and they were both returned.

You can see from the comparison threads I did on here the 430 and 460 perform very similarly to each other - basically you've got one old product which has had lots of tweaks vs a new one which needs ongoing work.

In certain conditions (just after sunrise, just before sunset) the 460 is brighter, at the expense of losing details like numberplates.