Lukas QVIA QR790 - 2CH upload videos to iphone/ email

Mumma 17

New Member
Dec 28, 2019
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I have purchased the LUKAS QVIA QR790-2CH camera for my husbands truck. We have set it up and it works great. The only problem is how do we upload the videos to his iPhone? We connect the camera by wifi and can watch the videos while the camera is connected but once we close the connection the videos can not be played. I have searched all the manuals and there is nothing to show how to do this.
Ideally he wold like to send significant videos to another location (like email,SMS) for future viewing.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Sound like you are playing the videos from the camera, to be able to do that later on the phone you need to download the video to the phone.
Otherwise it is like streaming netflix or something, once your internet go down you have no access to netflix or whatever.

Personally i have not been with lukas since 2012, so my experience with those are quite antiquated by now.
Sound like you are playing the videos from the camera, to be able to do that later on the phone you need to download the video to the phone.
Otherwise it is like streaming netflix or something, once your internet go down you have no access to netflix or whatever.

Personally i have not been with lukas since 2012, so my experience with those are quite antiquated by now.
Thank you
I can’t seem to find a way to download them. When we go to the internal storage the screen is blank, not sure where to get this downloaded. I know there is a way I have watch the videos on YouTube but can’t seem to do it.
Thanks for your input
Yeah i wouldn't know about the new stuff like wifi and APPs for lukas cameras, i do have wifi and APP for one of my SG cameras, and there it is clear / easy to figure out how to DL a video to the phone.
But in general i don't use such things as i find it more convenient to put the memory card in my reader on the PC and then copy files i need off the card
Im a bit funny as i don't like phones and i don't like wifi,,,,,, but i do love remote control toys, and on average i only use my phone for 5 minutes a day.

I totaly know many today dont have a computer as they do everything with their phone, and thats just fine but not me,,,,,,, besides my eyes are so old and tired now i have to use my reading glasses to read a phone screen in comfort.
But on my 27" computer screen, everything are as clear as day, and i can look at it in comfort for 12 hours a day.

As i recall in the SG APP you go to your videos where you can play them, but then you select you want to DL instead, and then mark the videos you want transferred, and then press "download"
And you then have the percentage bar going while you DL the video footage.

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